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Autosexuality describes the art of finding oneself sexually attractive


Autosexuality refers to the fact of finding oneself sexy and attractive. Sounds logical? However, autosexuality goes far beyond classic self-acceptance. In a way, the term describes the fact of being completely satisfied with one's appearance and behaviour. An "I like myself" can easily be supplemented here by an "I find myself extremely sexy and erotic!

However, it would definitely be wrong to describe an autosexual person as "self-loving". Rather, this is a person who enjoys self-gratification and loves to admire himself a little. Admittedly: the change to classic self-love may be somewhat fluid.

In contrast, however, the partners of autosexual people usually suffer much less from the foible. Rather, a healthy degree of autosexuality can also help to bring a little more drive into the relationship. Because: those who love themselves (also in a sexual way) can often move more freely and openly in bed and also often like to try out new things.

Autosexual people are often also very attractive because they love to groom themselves and live in Scene to put. However, autosexuality should not only be associated with masturbation. This is about more! It is about accepting oneself as a "complete package" - not just purely sexual and not just for the sake of satisfaction. Accordingly, the self-esteem of autosexual people is often on a healthy to high level. They have a fascinating effect on their environment and, of course, also on their partner.