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Box is a free magazine for gay men


There are now many magazines that cater to the gay Scene straighten. Box is one of them. The topics are extremely varied and have been continuously expanded over time. Accordingly, anyone looking for a way to find out about dates, news and the like is likely to find what they are looking for here.

Compared to other magazines, Box is free. Therefore, over time, the magazine has managed to inspire more and more gays.

Particularly practical: the section on events. It doesn't matter if the coming out was several years ago or if a young man is just struggling with taking this step: here you will find many dates where the probability of meeting like-minded people is high. The dates and parties listed here are not always about sex! Box shows how versatile the gay scene is and informs about events from the most diverse areas!

Due to the wide range of topics, it is difficult to pigeonhole the magazine. It is certainly the mix of information, events and exchange that has ensured that the Box's fan community has grown continuously in recent years.

At the same time, of course, the box also offers a great opportunity to get an overview of current developments within the scene. Many straight people might also be surprised by how versatile gay life with all its facets has become in the meantime. Accordingly, the magazine also helps to dare to look beyond one's own nose.