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Hete" is an abbreviation for "Straight", which is often used in gay circles. By "hete", gays refer to heterosexual people. A hete is therefore either a woman who likes men or a man who loves women. Hete can accordingly be seen as the opposite of homo. As a rule, they are... weiterlesen



Hetero means to love women as a man or men as a woman Being hetero is - even in our modern age - still considered by many to be the only "normal" thing. Women and men who are straight are attracted to the opposite sex. They represent the classic cliché, which however - at the latest since the... weiterlesen



Heteronormativity means seeing heterosexuals as the ideal, social norm. People who advocate the principles of heteronormativity see heterosexuals as the only justifiable social norm for couples. This is a very traditional understanding of roles, in the context of which only men are allowed to have relationships with women or women with men. Another component of heteronormativity is... weiterlesen