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Viagra is certainly one of the best-known sexual enhancers. The small, blue pills made a name for themselves especially at the end of the 1990s.

Viagra is a sexual enhancer. These are blue tablets that are supposed to make men have more stamina during sex. The company Pfizer launched the tablets in 1998 and changed the sex lives of many people.

Numerous gays (and of course many straight men) suffer from potency problems or/ and a premature Ejaculation. Taking Viagra can counteract the problem if necessary. Of course, the well-known blue pills should not be taken without consulting a doctor. Particular caution is required in connection with high blood pressure.

If the patient then tolerates the medication well, it is quite possible that sex life will become more exciting again. The numerous success stories from users show how liberating it can be to "finally" be able to fuck long and hard again without worrying about a possible lack of sex. Erection to have to do.

The latter can have the most diverse causes. From stress to physical problems and diseases, almost anything is possible. It is therefore all the more important not to take Viagra and other aids on suspicion, but to always seek medical reassurance.

By the way: the target group for blue tablets is by no means exclusively the older generation. Many young people also struggle with erection problems and sometimes look forward to their upcoming sexual adventures with a great deal of fear. Many of them have found a practical solution in Viagra, the effect of which usually does not take much time and also leaves virtually nothing to be desired in terms of the desired end result.