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The "Celebs Under Palms" Reunion Ends in Strife

celebs under palm trees

What would a trash TV season be without a reunion? Without a programme in which all the squabblers would once again have the opportunity to go at each other's throats? Anyone who has been following "Celebrities under Palms" in the last few weeks certainly did not expect a happy ending. The fronts were too hardened, and some participants were even accused of bullying.

But that Ennesto Monte would be the one trying to sweep up the last remnants of harmony would certainly not have been thought at the time, after the break-up with Helena Fürst.

The only one who was not in the game was Sebastian Yotta. Sat.1 ended the cooperation because of a misogynistic video and stayed true to its line here until the show after the final. The winner (at least on paper) was disinvited.

Nick vs. Many - Screeching, self-promotion and a failure to apologise

Rarely have the fronts after a reality TV show seemed so hardened as in "Celebrities under Palms". Against Desirée Nick, however, even Matthias Mangiapane seemed almost tame. It seemed as if she had meticulously prepared all the nastiness. A fact that also caught Carina Spack's eye. She spoke bluntly to her about the index cards that "la Nick" kept next to her.

However, there was not much left of "grand dame" here. Carina was called a "cheap slut" and others were called names. Presenter Jochen Schropp sometimes had a hard time keeping order. By the way, there were no apologies for such lapses.

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The ex-couple who recently made a name for themselves on "Celebrity Big Brother", however, seemed downright harmonious. Surely many had hoped for a fight here. What could have been more obvious when looking at the list of participants?

However, both have shown that it is sometimes the young who can keep their composure more than the older generation.

Claudia Obert - Provocation or misunderstanding?

Claudia Obert has definitely managed to raise her profile via her participation in the format. She also proved during the reunion that she certainly knows how to provoke in her very own way.

The action of the evening was probably leaving her seat and going to the toilet as announced, when Desirée Nick once again lashed out to review the events of the past weeks.

She did not take on the role of a victim of bullying. Rather, the viewer saw a woman who, in her own unique way, managed to stand up to a Mrs Nick.

(Not) a clear winner...

Anyone who takes a little time to look at the comments in the social networks quickly realises that "Celebrities under palm trees" seems to have only one winner: Tobi! The ex-Promi Big Brother participant did not take part in any bullying or other ranting and also remained largely cool during Eva Benetatou's verbal attack.

Otherwise, many candidates fail with the viewers or/ and have lost advertising contracts or cooperations because of their behaviour.

Another winner, however, might have been found in Ennesto Monte. Unusually matter-of-fact and taking sides with the weaker ones, he proved during the reunion that underneath a hard shell there seems to be a core that could be quite likeable.

Désirée Nick talks about bullying among celebrities under palm trees

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