The jungle show is considered a big flop compared to Dschungelcamp 2021 (as in 2020) many things are different. Among other things, there will be no "real jungle camp" in Australia. Instead, this year's candidates, who are fighting for a ticket for 2022, will undergo the corresponding jungle tests in Hürth. They do not live in the Australian bush, but in a Tiny House.... weiterlesen
Nicolas Puschmann fights for the Let's Dance title In February it's that time again: the next Let's Dance season starts. Fans of the format have been waiting for some time for the official announcement of the participants. Now it is certain: in addition to Mickie Krause, Valentina Pahde and Kai Ebel, Nicolas Puschmann will also be competing. The first Prince... weiterlesen
DSDS, LGBTQ and an exciting third episode The headlines surrounding "DSDS" do not stop. After Michael Wendler was thrown out of the show with pixels, speech bubbles and co. and the first waves seem to have calmed down, it is now at the latest time to put the focus on the candidates and contestants. Among others, the... weiterlesen
The jungle show 2021: Nina Queer is taking part The time has come on 15 January. RTL starts a new round of Dschungelcamp. This time, however, it will not be broadcast from the Australian bush. Nevertheless, the show is not likely to be boring. In addition to Sonja Zietlow and Daniel Hartwich, Dr. Bob will also be back. Candidates technically expected... weiterlesen