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Everyday life in rainbow families - Do I tell my child that Father Christmas doesn't exist?

Should we tell the children that Father Christmas does not exist?

He is tall, chubby, wears a red and white suit and has a white beard: Father Christmas. Every year he travels around the world in his sleigh and gives presents to the good children. Or does he? What is the difference between the red and white man and Father Christmas? How does Santa manage to give presents to all the children in one night? And what do the elves actually do on the 364 other days of the year?

These are not rhetorical questions, but considerations that parents - including those in rainbow families - can be confronted with every day.

Opinions on how to respond here differ to some extent. While many people defend the belief in Santa Claus, others educate a little more "realistically" here.

One thing is certain, however: there is actually no "right" or "wrong". Both variants have their advantages and disadvantages.

How important is the belief in Father Christmas in children's education?

Every adult knows that Father Christmas does not exist. The presents that are distributed on Christmas Eve, come not from the North Pole, but from the shop around the corner or from the online mail order company.

Many parents believe that belief in Father Christmas is important because it encourages children's imagination. Others claim that Father Christmas contributes to the commercialisation of Christmas and encourages children to focus only on presents instead of internalising the meaning of the holiday.

But what is actually true? Do children need Father Christmas to be able to celebrate a "perfect" holiday?

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These reasons speak for the Santa Clause story

Belief in Father Christmas can play a particularly important role for a young child. The world of little girls and boys is largely based on fantasy. This phenomenon is increasingly lost over the years.

Princesses, knights, dragons and other fairytale characters become alive and real through children's eyes. Many people believe that this ability to discover the world should be encouraged and maintained for as long as possible.

In a way, it could also be argued here that Father Christmas can help to positively influence young people's morals.

Should we tell the children that Father Christmas does not exist?

What is actually wrong with Santa Clause ?

Anyone who deals with the story of Father Christmas has to admit that - quite realistically - he is deliberately lying to his child. Even if this is a thoroughly nice story, embarrassing situations could arise (at the latest at school) when the offspring defends the fairy tale of Father Christmas in front of their friends because they could never imagine being lied to by their parents.

At least one sobering conversation and the disappointment in the eyes of the children are already pre-programmed here to a certain extent.

Which procedure is correct?

Everyday life shows that reality and fantasy often get mixed up. It is not always possible for parents to argue here with logical thinking. On the one hand there is Father Christmas, dwarfs and tooth fairies, but monsters under the bed are dismissed as pure fantasy and do not exist. This raises the question: what criteria should the child use to know what is real and what is not?

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It is up to the parents to decide how to deal with this interesting topic. However, everyone should be aware that the belief in Father Christmas can have both advantages and disadvantages. As is so often the case, it is usually the gut feeling that decides.


These matching tips might help you this holiday season: How to get through Christmas relaxed.

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