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Overcoat is another word for condom. This is one of the best-known contraceptives of all.

An overcoat is a Condom. This contraceptive plays an important role for both gays and straights. With its help, many STDs, such as Aids, can be prevented.

Of course, it is especially important that the rubbers are used correctly. Edged jewellery can damage them just as much as some types of lubricant.

Especially since the 1980s and 1990s, the overdressers have become even more in people's focus as part of various awareness campaigns. After all, they are the ones that can create a lively sex life with the highest possible protection against infections.

There is a wide range of stiffeners available. If you want to buy condoms today, you no longer have to visit a sex shop. Condoms are now also available for purchase in numerous drugstores.

And: the range of products has also changed significantly over time. Today, there are not only XL and XXL variants, but also gums in different flavours. In addition come Due to the corresponding offers, many vegans also get their money's worth. Nowadays, many coatings are made purely from plants or artificially and without animal products. So it can be worthwhile to compare the different brands with each other.

The excuse "I feel less when I have sex with a condom" is no longer valid. Because: the structure of the covers is now so thin (and yet almost 100 per cent safe) that no wishes remain unfulfilled here. A special highlight are the condoms with nubs. Even though they often look rather inconspicuous on the outside, they definitely have the potential to make sex even more varied.

Last but not least, it should never be forgotten that there is no (!) contraceptive that is 100 per cent safe. There is always a certain (albeit small) residual risk.