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"My parents are gay!" - tips on adoption, everyday life and co. rainbow family

06 April 2020 10:40

"Rainbow families" are now also part of Germany more and more part of everyday life. Since 01 October 2017, it is now also possible for same-sex couples to have Partners possible to adopt a child jointly. The associated legal decisions are the result of hard work... and long discussions.

After this important, further step towards equality has been taken, it is of course also essential to observe the corresponding guidelines.

One thing is certain: The efforts of the past have paid off. Currently, several thousand children live with same-sex parents in this country. In many cases, the final adoption is based on a previous foster relationship. This means that a foster child can become an adopted child at some point.

It is also particularly interesting here that the chances of adoption in connection with a Rainbow family The number of gay couples in Germany depends, among other things, on the respective federal state or municipality. For example, it is usually less of a problem to adopt a child as a gay couple in modern cities than in the countryside.

Important tips on adoption - what should be considered for a rainbow family?

As already mentioned, there are clear legal requirements when it comes to adopting a child as a homosexual couple. In order to ensure that an overview is maintained at all times, interested couples should always take advantage of the comprehensive counselling services offered by the competent authorities. An appropriate procedure also proves, among other things, that the future parents have considered their decision well and are fully behind it.

Of course, every adoption - whether by heterosexual or homosexual parents - is ideally preceded by long discussions. Homosexual parents should also naturally ask themselves to what extent the adoption of a child will affect them.

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Another important factor is time. Rainbow couples who have decided to adopt a child cannot assume that this step will be completed within a few days or weeks. Due to the current legal regulations alone, an adoption can drag on for several months - and with the intermediate stage as a foster family. In short: the bureaucratic hurdles that have to be overcome as a result of an adoption can certainly cost a lot of nerves, but are definitely worth it.

Gay parents and a healthy self-confidence

The acceptance of gay or homosexual people in our society has grown more and more over time. Nevertheless, it would certainly be naïve to assume that rainbow families would not receive - at least incredulous - looks in everyday life.

Expectant parents should definitely be aware of this. Furthermore, it is incredibly important to include the child in the corresponding conversations after a certain age. It would be wrong to present the offspring with an exclusively ideal world, especially when they are in the process of understanding that they have two fathers.

Those who manage to find the right mix of responsible handling and child-friendly explanations create a great basis of trust for the years to come.
At the same time, functioning rainbow families naturally also play a role for the Gay scene of the future play an important role. After all, they are wonderful proof that it does not always take a husband and wife to give a child a loving home and a carefree childhood.

Also interesting: 5 tips for Coming out


maik 6. April 2020 um 11:28

I didn't know that ... I learned something again! Thanks for the contribution 🙂


harrald 12. April 2020 um 19:35

I've also played with the idea... maybe I'll find my perfect man here?


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