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The Rainbow Run 2020 in Frankfurt

Rainbow Run 2020

The famous Rainbow Run will enter its fifth run on 05 December 2020 (just in time for St. Nicholas and hopefully with the best weather). Participants have the opportunity to prove their skills and physical fitness over either five or ten kilometres.

The Rainbow Run is an event that enjoys particular popularity within the gay scene. The run is embedded in the XMAS tournament of the FW. Accordingly, the fame of the biggest gay event in the gay-lesbian sports club of the Rhine-Main area will ensure that there will be numerous participants at the start again this year.

The Rainbow Run and its very special goal

The Rainbow Run is not just about crossing the finish line! On the contrary! The message behind the run is of course far more versatile!

Above all, it is about setting a sign against homophobia in sport and standing up for an open society. Unfortunately, tolerance towards gays - especially in the field of sports - can still be considered far from standard. The prejudices with which gay athletes are confronted are often overwhelming and frequently prevent them from coming out. Many of those affected then wait with this step until they have finished their careers, just to be on the safe side. What a pity! After all, they would certainly have the opportunity to improve their own quality of life sooner.

An overview of the Rainbow Run route

As already mentioned, participants in the Rainbow Run 2020 have the option of choosing between a course length of five and ten kilometres. (Those who want to run ten kilometres must complete the five kilometres twice.

Rainbow families - My parents are gay!

The trail leads right through Frankfurt's city forest and consists mostly of paved forest paths and asphalt tracks. Of course, sturdy shoes are still needed to ensure the highest possible comfort factor.

Those who want a run that is both challenging and offers visual highlights are certainly on the safe side with the Rainbow Run 2020. In addition, you can make a statement against homophobia by taking part.

The Rainbow Run 2020: one event among many on an exciting weekend

The Rainbow Run 2020 is embedded in a series of other events. Runners who feel like celebrating, for example, should get their money's worth at the athletes' party on Saturday evening. come. Sunday morning will be spent brunching to your heart's content before exploring the city on a guided tour in the afternoon.

The weekend around 05 December is all about sport, fun and fitness! Thanks to the special background of the event, it is also possible - quite incidentally - to make a great statement.

What type of runner is the Rainbow Run 2020 aimed at?

The 5km distance of the Rainbow Run can usually be completed by healthy, averagely fit participants, provided they have a little training and ambition. If you are a little more ambitious, you can of course also try the 10 kilometres.

Basically, however, participants should not be too sensitive to the cold. Light thermal clothing can help brave the temperatures in December. At the same time, it makes sense not to start the run "cold". Beginning in October/November at the latest, beginners should do a few "practice laps" so that they can better estimate the distance. A short check-up at the doctor's can help to find out if there is anything that speaks against participation.

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