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Is the Covid 19 pandemic changing our sex lives?

We asked 49 percent of our gay men about their sex life in our gay chat on gay contacts. Their answer was: "We don't have sex anymore!"The other 51 per cent of them have not noticed any difference to their sex life at the moment.

A good half of the respondents, about 50 per cent, said they would not visit cruising areas again in the coming weeks and months. Many of them found the gay chat more comfortable and safer. Gay saunas and gay bars are also visited less or not at all. Due to the new regulation of the individual federal states, public life was enormously restricted. This ultimately led to the closure of all gay bars, restaurants and gay saunas.

Is the sex life of the younger generation - Twinks more carefree?

Since the outbreak of the Corona crisis in Germany, many gay and homosexual men have been worried about their sex lives. But the younger generation of Twinks on the other hand, thinks the topic of Corona is much too far-fetched. 80 per cent of the twinks we interviewed were between the ages of 18 and 25. They said that sex and Bubbles continues to be practised to the fullest.

In an interview on Youtube, Dr Carla Pohlink gave advice on how gay men can protect themselves even better during sex: "As things stand, COVID-19 is not found in the man's sperm, but in the nose and throat area of an infected person," said Pohlink. The immediate danger develops during kissing, as the transmission of the schmier infection is particularly high."



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harrald 12. April 2020 um 19:36

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