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Lockdown - with these tips the soul might suffer a little less

These 5 Tips Prevent Corona Lockdown Collapse

The federal government has decided on another lockdown. This time, the time-out is called "lockdown light" and is somewhat less strict than its predecessor. Nevertheless, there is no question that the closing of restaurants, the renunciation of cultural events and the applicable contact restrictions can harm the soul.

According to statistics, many psychotherapists are currently experiencing a brisk influx of people who cannot come to terms with the situation, or can do so only with great difficulty.

Of course, it is always important to get help when necessary. Sayings like "Cheer up!" and the like rarely help here.

However, those who have resolved to do something good for their soul during the lockdown weeks in November could possibly find themselves in the following tips.

Tip no. 1: hot water

... and not in the form of tea, but in the bathtub or shower. The warmth can help to suggest a special kind of feeling of security to the body. Ideally, of course, the water should be combined with fragrances of your choice. This quickly creates a small wellness oasis that may make you forget all the stress "out there" for a few minutes.

Tip no. 2: Talk about your own fears

Certainly, there are few people who continue their lives as carefree during the corona crisis as they did before it. Some are afraid of the disease itself, some are plagued by existential fears. But something unites them all: they are not alone during the lockdown!

So what's wrong with talking about your feelings and listening to each other? Surely you can find a sympathetic ear in your circle of acquaintances. And if not, there are many hotlines whose staff have been specially trained to help those affected.

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Tip no. 3: Lockdown jogging

The number of people who are enthusiastic about jogging probably increased significantly during the Corona pandemic. After all, the trend - especially in spring - was towards individual sport. Moreover, jogging can help strengthen the immune system.

Another important factor is that success in running usually comes very quickly. If you were still gasping at a distance of about one kilometre before, you are usually all the prouder when you have completed your first 5K.

Tip no. 4: remodelling the flat

The Chancellor has asked people to stay at home as often as possible. It is all the more important that one's own home is furnished in such a way that it is easy to feel comfortable here.

When would be a better time to paint and redecorate the flat than now? The positive effect of different colours should not be underestimated in this context. Especially bright colours, such as yellow or orange, can help to set accents here, also in psychological terms.

Tip no. 5: The lockdown promotes creative hobbies

In "normal" everyday life there was often no time to let off steam creatively. Now that the cinemas have closed, popular sports have been cut and all cultural activities have been cancelled, however, an additional window of time has probably opened up for many people.

So now it's time to listen to yourself a little. Do you feel like painting? Listen to (or make) music? Maybe now is the time to learn a new language? The opportunities to broaden your horizons have rarely been better than now.

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