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How important is it to smell right when choosing a partner?

"I can smell you well!", ... But why actually

The smell and smelling of a person is sometimes perceived more, sometimes less consciously, but can ensure that we find them attractive or not. The good news: it is certainly possible to optimise one's own olfactory impressions. Or in other words: those who are not equipped with a particularly appealing scent - like babies, for example - can help a little.

The following tips show that it's not difficult to look your best - even when it comes to smell.

(Basically, with regard to the question "What smells good and what doesn't?", individual taste naturally also plays an important role. In case of doubt, however, it is always better not to wrap oneself completely and too intensively in a fragrance and instead to set specific accents).

Tip no. 1: the right detergent

Tip no. 1: the right detergent

The scent emanating from detergents often transfers quite easily to the skin. Especially in spring and summer, the choice in connection with floral fragrances is particularly large. If you want to be inspired, simply wander a little through the supermarket and drugstore shelves and look for your individual favourites.

It can also be worth taking a look at the underwear perfumes of the season. These often appear a little more intense. Among other things, they are popular for washing sportswear and smell pleasant during training.

Tip no. 2: A good perfume

Tip no. 2: Perfume

Once you have found your favourite perfume, you often remain loyal to it over a period of several years. The search for the "best fragrance" can sometimes take a little time.

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Here, laypeople can decide between light and heavy fragrances. The season often plays a role in the final choice. Speaking of the season: in summer, deodorants are standard for most good-smelling people.

Tip no. 3: a pleasant-smelling shower gel

Tip no. 3: a pleasant-smelling shower gel

Nowadays, the choice of shower gels is greater than ever. Ideally, of course, the shower gel should match the perfume used. On the other hand, too strong a contrast can actually be confusing and therefore not smell good.

Unfortunately, the pleasant scent of shower gels usually fades after a few hours at the latest. That's why it makes sense to shower shortly before a date - preferably including washing your hair.

Tip no. 4: Eat healthy
Tip no. 4: Eat healthy

Many people still think it is a rumour, but there is a lot of truth in the motto "You are what you eat" - also in connection with your own body odour or how others smell you.

This effect becomes particularly clear with regard to excessive consumption of unhealthy junk food. If you eat too much of this, you run the risk of your body becoming over-acidic. The risk of smelling unpleasant.

Fortunately, this effect does not usually last long. If you manage to change your diet accordingly and eat more healthy food in the form of fruit and vegetables again, you can often restore a positive initial odour impression comparatively quickly.


Whether we can smell a person well or not depends on several factors (and of course also on personal taste). However, if you want to impress a person - in the truest sense of the word - with all your senses, you should neither smell too much nor too little. To be on the safe side, particularly intense smells should also be avoided on a first date.

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It is usually best to create a healthy mix of individuality and self-confidence. It would certainly be wrong to underestimate the messages conveyed by wearing a pleasant fragrance.



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