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CSD 2020 in danger due to Corona?

CSD © Photo: Ufuk Arslan

Thinking about the coming Christopher Street Day some gays are currently looking at the calendar with slight worry lines. After numerous major events have already been cancelled, the question naturally arises: will the CSD events in Germany 2020 take place at all?

After all, the CSD Potsdam has been scheduled for 09 May 2020. A date that is no longer too far in the future. Shortly after that, Flensburg, Greifswald, Weiden and Co. should actually follow, before an absolute highlight on 05 July 2020, the Cologne Prideis on the agenda.

A look at the current situation: the CSD 2020 and the Corona situation

The good news is that everything is still largely open. Because: if the CSD dates scheduled for April, the decision would already have been made. The country is in a (more or less strict) shutdown until 20 April. As a result, the CSD events would also have been affected.

However, since these are usually celebrated in the early summer or summer, the Scene will be happy to have a small buffer. But will this be enough?

Many clubs that are currently preparing for the event have no other choice: they have to give room to anticipation, plan and fervently hope that all their efforts will not be in vain.

What are the arguments for starting the CSD season in May?

Even though Germany is currently in a situation that will certainly be talked about for generations to come, this does not mean that a decision has already been made to cancel.

Since it is known that the aim is to flatten the curve of new infections, and since quite a few people are now complying with the government's guidelines, the chances are good that the German health system may not be overburdened after all.

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In the past, politicians have held out the prospect that these figures would be monitored and that the requirements would be relaxed again if necessary. And who knows? Maybe the effect of the imposed no-contact rule is actually so convincing that nothing will stand in the way of CSDs any more?

However, it remains to be seen whether there will be close dancing, flirting and kissing again - as in the past. But: a CSD under some security conditions is certainly better than no CSD, isn't it?

In this case, it would be important to be optimistic, to accept compromises and, if necessary, to be happy that the event has not been cancelled like, for example, Bundesliga matches, Formula 1 races and the like.

Anticipation: yes or no?

Clear answer: YES! Those who are currently planning to either participate in the CSD or to visit it as spectators should not let their anticipation be spoiled. Of course, the danger that an event like the CSD will be cancelled always exists... not only in Corona times.

But who knows?

1. the CSD might take place after all.
2. in the "worst case", the events are not cancelled, but merely postponed.

Right now, the gay scene can once again prove that difficult situations can be better mastered with a mix of joie de vivre and flexibility. After all, it is exactly this philosophy that also inspires the straight people of the republic time and again and ensures that many worries of everyday life can be forgotten at the parades.

So: plan, look forward and let life surprise you. It will be exciting!


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