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Ban on conversion therapies for minors adopted

Ban on conversion therapies for minors adopted


It sounds like the Middle Ages, but: some people actually still classify homosexuality in the category of "disease". In this context, there was always talk of so-called conversion therapies. With the help of these practices, homosexuals were supposed to be turned around. Now an important decision has been made by the Bundestag: This kind of therapy is to be banned - at least in connection with minors!

High time! After all, this is not only a procedure that in itself reaches a new level of exclusion, but also a practice that can cause lasting damage to those affected.

The decision in detail

In future, it will be forbidden to carry out the so-called conversion therapies on minors. And: also those who force gays over the age of 18 to participate in a corresponding "therapy" can now be punished. An important step that shows that society is on a good path towards equality.

After all, it was certainly circumstances like this in the past that led to many young gays not daring to come out.

Among others, the resolution was also welcomed by Health Minister Jens Spahn. He also admits his homosexuality and has been married to his husband Daniel Funke since 2017.

Those who act contrary to the new legislation and, for example, still force gay people to undergo conversion therapy or carry it out on young people under the age of 18 risk severe penalties.

Potential problems - what makes following conversion therapies so complicated?

The Bundestag's decision is intended to ensure that homosexuality is no longer considered an illness, that gays are not mentally or physically harmed in the course of said therapies and that a further step towards equality can take place.

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However, in order to ensure even more rethinking within society here, it is of course important to work comprehensively and to raise awareness. Accordingly, the great challenge is not only to reach those who have offered the therapies so far, but also to get in touch with those people who discriminate against others because of their love for the same sex and would further support a corresponding approach, a "repoling". It is clear: the current resolution of the Bundestag sends a signal. Nevertheless, there is still a need for education. Entrenched ways of thinking cannot (unfortunately) be dissolved by new laws.

Is there possibly a need for improvement?

According to various media reports, shortly after the ban on conversion therapies was passed, the first critical voices were raised. Especially with regard to the fact that the actually more extensive ban was adopted "only" for minors, many citizens and politicians are asking for improvements.

The new decision is good, but not broad enough. The role of the parents should also be more strongly focused on. After all, they are usually the ones who have "booked" the corresponding therapies for their offspring.

A possible consequence: the assumption that one's sexuality is not good enough for the parents. Those who do not have sufficient self-confidence and strength can break. Accordingly, it will probably become increasingly important in the future to recognise the real problem well before attending appropriate therapy and to educate affected families - both parents and children.

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