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The fear of the 2nd Corona wave and a little bit of hope.

The fear of the 2nd Corona wave !

Corona has turned the world upside down. What began as a "disease in Wuhan" caused a sudden change in people's lives in this country as well. So it's all the nicer that there currently seems to be a light at the end of the tunnel - even if it's a long way off.

Shops, gyms and hairdressers were allowed to reopen. People from other households are allowed - up to a certain number and as long as possible chains of infection can be traced - to be met again.

And yet: rarely has society been more divided than it is today. While some generally do not believe in the coronavirus, others take the view that the relaxations are happening too quickly. come.

However, many people have one thing in common: the fear of having to go into lockdown again. For many, this would be neither economically nor psychologically bearable. The good news is that more and more scientists are currently of the opinion that the "second wave", which a few weeks ago was still largely considered certain, does not necessarily have to come.

People are often sensitised - and act accordingly

No question: although Germany has managed to get through the crisis comparatively well so far, the last few weeks have left their mark. And it is precisely this aspect that ensures that many people have become cautious. The famous 1.50 m distance is almost automatically observed. For many, wearing the everyday mask is standard.

All this is likely to have ensured that the relaxations have not had an effect on the falling numbers of Corona statistics. Reason seems to play almost as important a role in this context as general compliance with the rules.

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Was the lockdown even necessary?

Even the experts are still arguing about this. This is probably a question that can only be answered with absolute certainty in retrospect (or perhaps never).

Assuming that the sum of the measures has indeed resulted in Germany being spared the "big first wave" that overtook Spain and Italy, for example, there is a high probability that a corresponding "recipe for success" can already be used in the event of renewed outbreaks.

On the other hand, if the measures, especially the lockdown, were not necessary, this wrong decision could have led to one of the biggest economic crises ever.

Vaccine, second wave or the "normal flu" after all?

Many Germans have now written off their summer holidays. Instead, they are looking ahead to autumn. Because then not only will the next flu wave slowly start, but also possibly the second Corona wave... Or not.

The probability that a vaccine could be made available to the masses by then is low, experts say.

Currently, there is also repeated talk of the possibility of a mutation of the virus. What sounds like something out of an apocalyptic film could actually offer advantages. Depending on the type of mutation, the virus could - at least theoretically - weaken and then actually be no more harmful than a simple cold.

Accordingly, it is now once again a case of waiting and perhaps also being a little grateful that at least the first half of the year with regard to Corona now seems to be over.


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