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 "God, this is embarrassing!" - First time in the sex shop

The first embarrassing trip to the sex shop

"Gay men are open about their sexuality!" - Sentences like these are certainly what have repeatedly caused some gays in the past to wonder whether they might be uptight or stuffy.

One thing is certain: not all gays find it liberating to show themselves in public with their partner and exchange kisses. Especially in rural areas (but unfortunately also increasingly in the big city), it is evident time and again that prejudices and discrimination against homosexual couples are far from being a thing of the past.

But how open are gays when it comes to visiting a sex shop? Here, many are not all that different from the very shy straight men who go to the checkout with their eyes down to buy condoms, sex toys and the like.

With the following tips in mind, your next shopping trip to the sex shop could be a little more relaxed!

Tip no. 1: Make a "shopping list" in advance

Many gays feel a little overwhelmed - especially on their first visit to a sex shop. Films here, toys there... And maybe even an over-motivated salesperson who is desperate to get his tips across.

Here it can be advantageous to make a small shopping list in advance. Fortunately, many shops are characterised by a clear sorting. If you know in advance what you want, you can head straight for it.

Tip no. 2: Appear confident

It sounds a little utopian, but: If you appear confident, you often manage to convince those around you of your appearance and calm yourself down a little.

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But what does this actually mean for the appearance in the sex shop? Among other things, it can help to consciously raise your gaze and look customers and staff members in the eye. It quickly becomes apparent that the situation is far less bad than it first appeared.

Tip no. 3: Do not walk alone

Who ever said that you have to go to the sex shop alone? Whether it's with your partner or your best friend, it almost always helps to be able to literally hold on to someone.

In this way, shopping can be combined - quite incidentally - with casual communication. The unpleasant feeling will then surely disappear all by itself.

Tip no. 4: When in doubt, buy online

Gays who absolutely cannot bring themselves to shop locally naturally also have the chance to shop online. To avoid embarrassing moments when handing over parcels, many big shops use a little trick by marking a fictitious sender on their consignments.

Tip no. 5: Become a "regular customer

Anyone who regularly strolls into sex shops quickly notices that the thought "Oh, my God! How embarrassing!" is quickly replaced by a healthy curiosity. Or in other words: the sex shop sometimes loses a little of its terror when it is visited more often. However, this does not mean that strolling among anal dildos and erotic clothing would become boring. On the contrary! If you manage to prove to yourself again and again how varied and exciting the assortment can be and that there is absolutely no shame in standing by your inclinations here, you will certainly soon get to know this special kind of shopping from a new side.

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