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CSDs are becoming more "original" again

CSDs are becoming more "original" again

When people think of a classic CSD today, they often think of garish dresses, waving rainbow flags and a big party that makes its way across the streets of larger cities.

In 2020, however, Corona has made sure that gays, lesbians and other queers get the message of Christopher Street Days across in a different way. Thus, the parades will be no less interesting, but inevitably a lot more political.

The number of participants has also decreased due to the pandemic... And yet the current CSDs are more relevant than ever. Many people follow the goings-on and the corresponding messages via livestreams on the internet. Especially the CSD in Munich showed that protesting does not always have to be "only" colourful.

An impressive look at queer society

Spectators who attend a CSD often not only love to meet queer people from all over the world under the Rainbow flag but also to take a small (or large) look into their Scene to catch.

Questions like "What are the current problems?" or "How can I support?" are the order of the day here. To provide answers to these questions, the organisers have taken precautions this year. Or in other words: there is no shortage of information about the scene, even in times of Corona.

For example, those who took part in the CSD in Munich by virtual means were able to watch numerous rallies via Live Watch the stream. As in previous years, many organisations, companies and people from all walks of life took part.

Despite all the seriousness and the appeal for more tolerance and equal rights, the fun was not neglected - just like at the classic CSD. Many live performances rounded off the spectacle, which could be experienced differently in 2020, but no less interesting for that. Many people stayed in front of their PCs for several hours and enjoyed the numerous, dazzling insights into a (for many) different world.

The first embarrassing trip to the sex shop

With many international themes

The CSD in Munich emphasised again and again during the various rallies that there is still a long way to go, especially in international terms and with regard to the rights of lesbians and gays. Many current examples show that homosexuality is sometimes even severely punished in other countries.

Unfortunately, this aspect is often forgotten nowadays. The LGBTQ scene is not limited to Germany. Queers all over the world are fighting for their rights - and are already supported by many people. However, a lot still has to happen before perhaps one day every homosexual will actually be able to openly admit his or her inclinations.

At the CSD in Munich, however, not only should grievances be pointed out, but the youth should also be supported. After all, young people in particular - even in a largely open and tolerant country like Germany - can find it difficult to openly express their views. Gay- or lesbianism. Therefore, problems of this kind were also addressed within the framework of various (virtual) offers.

Virtual CSDs are likely to make an impression not only in Munich

Anyone who has taken several hours to click through the numerous virtual offers around CSD and Co. has been sprinkled with quite a few impressions. The events of this kind, which will also take place via the internet in the coming weeks, are likely to be no exception.

With the aim of learning more about the problems and challenges of the scene, to get help yourself or to look for possibilities of support, it is a good idea to first let all impressions sink in and then start researching organisations and co. a few days later.

Guido Maria Kretschmer goes crazy at Shopping Queen

One thing is certain: a CSD can broaden horizons, for queers as well as for heteros.


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