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Mona Foot - Drag Queen Died from Corona Virus Covid-19

According to social media reports, the Drag Queen Nashom Wooden died. Several people, including project designer Geoffrey Mac, have pointed to COVID-19 as the cause of death. Mac was a close friend of Wooden and uploaded a video on Instagram spreading the news.

"I just want to make sure everyone out there is healthy and looking out for each other," Mac said through tears. "The virus is really real and I'm just so sorry."


When the news broke, many members of New York's nightlife community began writing memorial notes for the Drag Queen Wooden to write. Wooden, a colourful nightlife personality, rose to fame as drag performer Mona Foot, an act that began in 1989, according to the magazine. He performed in the BoyIn the beginning, he mainly did Aretha Franklin lip-syncing. He learned make-up from RuPaul at an off-Broadway show called My Pet Homo.

As an endearing part of Mona's legacy, there was a performance of "I'm Every Woman" as Wonder Woman in Union Square Park.

"No one has the come see," Wooden told Gay magazine. "Not just being a superhero, but being a black man. I didn't know I was female at the time." He would continue to do shows at Crobar and Barracuda.

But as time went on, Wooden stepped back from the persona of Mona and at one point ended it completely. But the success continued: he was the lead singer of The Ones, which he had outgrown, worked with the film Flawless and worked at the infamous gay nightclub The Cock in New York City. He was still a part of the death scene after awarding Marti Gould Cumming 2019 Entertainer of the Year at this drag fest.

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TransSimone 28. March 2020 um 16:39

My condolences! RIP :O


Twinki 4. April 2020 um 17:52

I am very sorry! Oh man, what else happens in this world...? We all have to stick together very much hugging


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