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Argentina adopts transgender quota in public service

Argentina adopts transgender quota in public service

Argentina has revised the regulations with regard to filling positions in the civil service. There is now a quota to ensure a special form of equality for transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people.

This means that now at least one per cent of jobs are with transvestites, transsexual and transgender people must be filled - provided, of course, that all other conditions that exist in connection with recruitment are also met.

The new regulations have already been signed by Alberto Fernández, the President of Argentina.

New career prospects for transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people?

The new provisions are not only an important step towards equality. Because: the minimum quota (inevitably) also brings new job prospects for the groups of people concerned. Many transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people were forced to prostitute themselves in Argentina in the past. However, the chances of getting a job in the public sector have increased due to the new regulations.

But: unfortunately, it would still be too early to breathe a sigh of relief. Because: before the law is actually passed, it still has to be approved by Congress. And that is exactly what many members of the LGBTQ community is still a major problem. In the past, some (originally planned) innovations have failed here.

What exactly does the new regulation entail?

Basically, the intention of the new regulation is that positions that are newly created in the public service are also kept free for transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people, among others.

Another point: the positions in question must be reported to a central body. Here it is controlled whether the minimum quota of one per cent is actually adhered to by those responsible. At the same time, of course, existing jobs should be protected. For example, it is not allowed to dismiss a heterosexual employee just to reach the said quota. Instead, new posts must then be created.

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Who is affected by the new regulation in the public service?

What is particularly interesting is that all transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people are to benefit from the new regulation in Argentina. Accordingly, it is completely irrelevant, for example, whether an official change of gender has already taken place. However, those affected also have the option of registering in a separate register in order to possibly be found better by their prospective employers and to attract attention.

An important statement: Argentina wants to introduce the minimum quota for transvestites, transsexuals and transgenders

For a country like Germany, where there are already - at least officially - minimum quotas for women in leadership positions, it is certainly easy to understand how drastic and important the statement made by the new legislation in Argentina is for those affected.

If you then remember that the job prospects for transvestites, transsexuals and transgender people are particularly poor in South America, among other places, and that many of those affected - especially in the poorer regions - only have the option of fleeing into prostitution, you can roughly estimate the far-reaching consequences that a minimum quota in the civil service would have.

"Quite incidentally", this is also an important statement by the state and a caesura that shows that the desire for a further step towards equality and more tolerance does not have to remain a dream.

Now "only" the final signature of Congress is needed for the public service in Argentina to embark on new paths towards a more colourful society.


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