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Ross Antony the pop star misses his mum

Ross Antony misses his mother
Fans know Ross Antony as a shining light. It often seems hard to imagine that the likeable ex-"Bro'Sis"singer also has bad days now and then. Now, however, he has returned to social media with very thoughtful words.

The Corona crisis, its effects and above all the travel restrictions do not leave him unscathed.

Due to the pandemic Ross his Motherwho lives in the UK, for about a year. Anyone who has such a close relationship with a parent should be able to understand the singer's feelings.

Ross Antony gives free rein to his feelings on Facebook

Ross currently lives together with his Man and the children in Germany. The bond to his Mother has never broken off, however. On the contrary! Ross is regarded as someone who appreciates the value of an intact family. Time and again in interviews he speaks particularly fondly about his Mother and its Fatherwho died not so long ago.

On Facebook wrote Ross now "Almost a year without seeing each other is way too long ... I miss you so much Mum!". He closes the post with "I love you Mum so much ... Your son x x x."

The picture accompanying the post also melts hearts. It shows Mother and Son. Happy, embracing and (obviously) content with themselves and the world.

Unfortunately, it is not yet foreseeable when "as before" can be travelled. Nevertheless, there is a high probability that it "Stand Up Male" Ross will manage to free himself from his low mood and look optimistically into the future again.

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Nonetheless, it is likely to be the Christmas time with one eye laughing and one eye crying. The Briton is regarded as a person who "Christmas" in a particularly dedicated way. In interviews, he enthusiastically reports how he - usually together with his husband - decorates the house.

Ross Antony misses his mother

Comforting words from his fans

RossThe post provoked countless reactions from his fans. Thumbs and hearts were sent on Facebook to encourage the singer.

There was also almost exclusively love in the comments. Again and again, the fans emphasised how warm-hearted and lovable Ross and that it would certainly be possible for the two of them to meet again soon.

Ross' releases a new CD - in collaboration with Paul

Ross and its Man Paul not only fit well together as people, but also artistically. After all, his sweetheart works as an opera singer. There have already been several joint projects in the past.

The two have been busy again in 2020 and have worked together on a new Christmas album. This one is entitled "Let it glitter - Christmas with Ross" and should help many fans wait a little more relaxed (and musical) for Christmas Eve.

One thing is certain: career-wise and with a view to a fulfilling relationship, it could be a Ross could hardly go better. In 2020, he was again and again a guest in various formats and remained creative. Let us hope that he - together with his family in Germany - enjoys Christmas and his Mother can hold him in his arms again after the Corona period - just like in the picture in the Facebook post mentioned.

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