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Contact despite contact ban - this is how contact with loved ones does not break off

Stay in touch with loved ones - Despite Corona

Corona still has the world firmly in its grip after almost a year. People are afraid of the virus and the government is doing everything it can to ensure that Corona becomes just a beer brand again.

In order to achieve precisely this goal, it is also important, among other things, that citizens behave accordingly. The mix of the current lockdown and the - in many places - exit restrictions make life difficult for people.

Fortunately, however, there are many different ways and possibilities to at least stay in touch with loved ones. Digitalism plays a particularly important role in this context.

Contact option no. 1: the telephone

This is an absolute classic of communication. With the telephone, it is easier than ever to stay in touch with each other.

Even if eye contact is lacking in classic telephone conversations, a call to the right person can help you to look to the future a little more optimistically again.

Whether this involves talking about everyday things or - with a little imagination - playing a game is irrelevant.

Contact option no. 2: the video chat

Video chat goes one step further. Here it is possible not only to hear but also to see your loved one.

Despite the long distance, it sometimes feels as if the person is visiting directly. This advantage can also be extended a little further. Besides normal video chats, video dinners and video chat games can be organised.

There are many ideas on the internet on how to make the video chat a little more imaginative. This way, the normal Lockdown Saturday evening quickly becomes a nice event with lots of memories.

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Conveniently, video chats can also be held with several people at the same time. This makes the whole thing a little more sociable.

Contact option no. 3: the classic chats

No matter whether it is a direct message exchange or a message that is read only after a delay: The letter symbol or a flash on the display is often a beautiful sight. At least when the message in question comes from a dear person. The advantage of chats is that the conversation can be interrupted and continued later. No one is alone and can maintain social contacts at any time - optionally even throughout the entire day.

In group chats, it certainly doesn't get boring. Here, several people can take part in a conversation at the same time.

Contact option no. 4: Internet portals and games

At the latest since the Corona crisis, relevant internet portals and games have managed to become even more popular than they already were.

Among other things, depending on the game, several players can occupy a server in parallel and build houses together, search for treasure or master many other challenges. The rule here is: put on your headset and start playing!

If the other players also allow other gamers as team members or opponents, this hobby can also lead to one or two new contacts.

Contact option no. 5: the letter

Letter writing shows once again that "analogue hobbies" have not yet had their day.

Back then, people were happy about an e-mail and today they love a lovingly written letter in the letterbox. That's how times change!

With this medium, the contact is less direct but offers a special, nostalgic touch.

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Anyone who has no problem waiting a little longer for a reply should consider this option. At least this also ensures, among other things, that not only bills and advertisements end up in the letterbox.



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