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Great DIY gift ideas for Christmas for your sweetheart

6 Do it yourself gift ideas for Christmas

"Every year it's that time again. Contrary to what is said in one of the best-known Christmas carols, it is not the Christ Child who comes, but usually the parcel carrier.

The truth is that you have to get or order the presents yourself. This can be a real challenge in the run-up to Christmas.

Buying gifts is often not good for the wallet and a guarantee that a particular gift will please the loved one can of course not be given.

Homemade gifts are much more beautiful, creative (and often cheaper). Because: with their help, it is particularly easy to show that a lot of heart, effort and love is involved. There are many different ideas that can help to make a DIY gift a real highlight.

No idea? If you are completely at a loss, you should first think about what hobbies and interests your partner has. Particularly courageous "Christmas angels" can of course choose to go in a completely new direction and hope to hit the mark with the other person.

DIY idea no. 1: the baking mix in a bottle

DIY idea no. 1 the baking mix in a bottle

This is a beautiful and practical gift not only for baking lovers. The first step is to find an empty container, preferably a glass bottle or a preserving jar.

After that, it's a question of which breads, cakes, muffins and the like your partner will be enthusiastic about. From classics, such as marble cake, to more unusual creations, everything is possible here.

The ingredients for the baking mixture are then simply piled up in the jar. If you like, you can of course decorate the whole thing.

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DIY idea no. 2: homemade soap

DIY Idea No. 2 Homemade Soap

With this gift come especially "fragrance fetishists" get their money's worth. The colour, shape and scent of the DIY soap can be customised to suit almost any taste - from sweet to tart.

There are many inspirations on the internet that can help you make your own soap. (Additional tip: Beginners are best off using raw soap. This is easy to process and shape accordingly).

DIY idea no. 3: fashionable gifts

DIY Idea No. 3 Fashionable Gifts

Especially in this day and age, people keep pointing out how important it is to pay more attention to sustainability.

How about living this very thought in Christmas gift mode?

A homemade fabric shopping bag is good for the environment and looks incredibly personal at the same time.

Washable paint and plain bags can be found in just about any craft shop. So you can paint, stamp, sew and embroider until you have the perfect bag. Not only nature is happy about this gift.

DIY idea no. 4: Cake Pops and Co.
DIY Idea No. 4 Cake Pops and Co.

Those with a sweet tooth love delicious presents (not only at Christmas). So there's nothing to stop you surprising your loved one with a new sweet temptation.

Cake pops, muffins, biscuits and cakes make ideal DIY gifts as they can be completely personalised.

Creative ideas can be found on the internet on the usual cooking sites. If you like, you can also simply let your own imagination run wild.

DIY Idea No. 5 Bath Bombs
DIY Idea No. 5 Bath Bombs

In the meantime, for many people they are just as much a part of a relaxing bath as bath foam.

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Bath bombs are not just for bubbling! Depending on the composition, they discolour it and spray a pleasant fragrance at the same time. A must for every bath fan!

Many of the ingredients for this are certainly already on the shelf at home. The appropriate "recipes" are available on the internet.

DIY idea no. 6: Gift baskets
DIY Idea No. 6 Gift Baskets

Gift baskets are by no means old-fashioned or "out of fashion"! On the contrary!

They are a wonderful way to combine several gift ideas and present them collectively.

Among other things, small handmade gifts and perhaps also erotic toys often find their place here. After all, Christmas is the "festival of love".


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