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Tips for rainbow families - making homeschooling easier

The best tips for relaxed homeschooling with the children

Many parents can afford their own School time where there was no homeschooling yet. Here it was often a matter of working with the Friends the one or other Joke and the Breaks enjoy before it starts with the boringly annoying Lessons went on.

This is - especially when looking in the rear-view mirror - about Experienceswhich no one Child should be denied. Instead, it is currently said: Pandemic, Contact restrictions and Homeschooling.

It is often difficult for Children difficult, the Premises, which is actually for the Leisure are intended to be used with Learning facilities to connect.

Particularly as there is no need during the Homeschoolings the close contact with Friends and so the fun aspect is also missing from the Learning. But don't worry! There are tips with which the Learning from home more relaxed and funny can be.

Tip No. 1: Create structures for homeschooling

Tip No. 1: Create structures for homeschooling

For Children and Young people it is important to have a structured Daily routine to have. Learning times and Leisure should be separate from each other.

Here a personal Timetable help. From the age of about ten (sometimes even earlier) it makes sense to use the Child itself into the Planning to include.

Thus it benefits itself from a higher level of Responsibility and learns at the same time, to learn about themselves and their Processes to structure.

Here are of course also Error allowed. Especially when the Pupils or the Schoolgirl no prior experience in the field of independent work has made, it may be that he/she has miscalculated. This must then be improved accordingly.

Désirée Nick opened the programme of the CSD in Stuttgart 

Tip no. 2: Coach instead of teacher

Tip no. 2: Coach instead of teacher

Unfortunately, the first Lockdown shown that it is quite possible that Online hours because of technical faults or can be cancelled for other reasons. Then it is often due to the Parents, the Children the corresponding Fabric to convey... And that despite Home office. A challenging tightrope walk begins.

Here it helps to remember that Children on the basis of their own interests better learn than by Coercion and Print.

Therefore, depending on the character of the Child - be sensible to use the Son or the Daughter "Just do it" (and only THEN check the result).

For example, a classic Exercise for in between are: "Translate your favourite English song!"

Tip No. 3: Playful learning

Tip No. 3: Playful learning

The Homeschooling from home offers many opportunities to bring the child playfully to the Learning motivate.

A walk becomes a Learning hour via Flora and Fauna. The kitchen serves as Experimental laboratory to Study from Units of measurement. For Maths, English and German can Quiz games be prepared.

Or how about a Series or a Film in a Foreign language? The difficulty level can be quickly adjusted here and rewards help to ensure that the Young talent stays on the ball. Learning does not have to be boring! Neither for the Young talent nor for the Parents.

Tip no. 4: Allocate work more freely when homeschooling
Tip no. 4: Allocate work more freely when homeschooling

Especially in Mainstream schools is the "normal" Teaching day often clearly timed. No wonder! After all, the goal is to Subject matter at the end of the School year to have worked through the problem. Even if the corresponding Results and Tasks naturally continue to do so - even if online - The following is an example of how to control the Homeschooling the possibility to proceed a little more flexibly.

First date via video chat: Ideas and tips for the lockdown

The Alarm clock In many cases, there is no need to 6 o'clock ring. A start at 10 o'clock often nothing stands in the way. Also longer Breaks are perfectly permissible - as long as the Child is aware that the time does not expire, of course, but must be added on at the end.

Every Man (young as he may be) has its own Rhythm. And who knows? Perhaps the Homeschooling yes the wonderful Possibilityto find out when you are at your best. most productive is?


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