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Flirting in autumn and winter - easier than you think?!

planet-randy.comIn summer, when the weather is nice, temperatures are high and the sun is shining, it is easy for many people to go to flirt. But then, when the days get shorter and the one or other "autumn blues" possibly show up, the whole thing often already looks a little gayheaven.

Even in the pre-Corona era, some singles here simply didn't feel like spending an evening in a bar, preferring instead to stay on the couch at home. The probability that Mr. Right will suddenly appear here at gayheaven is low.

In short: if you don't want to be alone in autumn or winter, you shouldn't neglect flirting and the search for the "perfect match". But what options are actually available here? Where does "Mr. Right" hide during the cold season? At gayheaven?

The good news: it's not difficult to flirt even in comparatively low temperatures. On the contrary! Especially in winter and autumn, many gays feel the need to snuggle up - preferably together, of course.

Flirting option no. 1: the walk

It may sound a bit classic, but: the basis for a long-term relationship is often created out in the open. It is often the typical coincidences that ensure that two people meet.

The chance to engage in conversation with other people comeis especially good when at least one of the two has a dog with them. Here it is very easy to get in touch with each other, for example with a classic "Oh, he's so cute!

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But even without "man's best friend", many flirting attempts can be crowned with success. A light jostling, of course completely "accidentally", can break the ice.

Flirting option no. 2: chatting on Gayheaven

Don't feel like leaving the house? No problem! Flirting on the internet is more convenient and uncomplicated than ever these days! Gay chatThe websites, for example, are particularly popular when it comes to meeting someone for both steady relationships and one-night stands.

Thus, numerous gay men of the most diverse characters meet on Planet-Randy in search of a suitable counterpart.

Another advantage of virtual chat is the opportunity to get to know many different men in a comparatively short time. Those who finally realise that the chat partner - for whatever reason - does not optimally fit into their own ideal can leave the conversation with a "Thank you very much and I wish you good luck in your search!

On the other hand, if there is mutual sympathy, nothing stands in the way of a Real Treff.

Flirting option no. 3: special undertakings

In times of Corona and contact restrictions, there are somewhat fewer options available with regard to special undertakings. However, this does not mean that gay singles have to hide at home in search of a suitable partner.

Many organisers of courses, workshops and other events have meanwhile come up with hygiene concepts on the basis of which the respective events can often take place despite Corona.

This is a great opportunity to escape the daily grind for a while and - perhaps together with other singles - to gain new experiences. This special view over the edge of your nose can be very "flirty".

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Conclusion: Flirting in cold temperatures can be fun!

Anyone who has already resigned themselves as a single person in autumn to most likely spending Christmas and New Year's Eve alone should definitely not bury their head in the sand too early, but instead explore their individual options.

The internet in particular, with platforms such as Planet-Randy.comwonderful opportunities to get to know other gays. The "excuse": "It's too cold outside and therefore no one is in the mood to flirt anyway!" no longer counts.

Instead, it is important to use the possibilities, even in times of Corona and Co. to "finally" find the "perfect" partner. Have fun!


gayhaeven 13. October 2020 um 16:56

Yes, very great contribution 😀 Thank you very much. Super time we move around the houses


jonny32 9. November 2020 um 15:29

Cool post thanks


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