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Brazilian cured of Aids? Several media report

Brazilian cured of HIV

Anyone who is currently following the news from all over the world knows: Corona seems to be omnipresent at the moment. However, the pandemic should not make us forget that there are still other serious diseases.

For years, for example, people have been trying to find a cure for Aids to develop. While it is now possible for gays who have had unprotected sex with a man to take the so-called anti-Aids pill in an emergency, there is still no classic cure for the disease.

However, this could change in the coming years. Several media, including Bild, recently reported that a Brazilian man had actually been cured of his AIDS.

That would be a sensation.

Can AIDS be cured? Current media reports give hope

It sounds a little too good to be true. According to Bild Zeitung, it is possible that a man who has tested positive for HIV has been cured with the help of medication. However, this only applies if the next tests are also negative.

But back to the beginning: the affected patient was diagnosed with the HI virus about eight years ago. Since then, the Brazilian had been taking various drugs. The special thing about this is that the drugs in question were discontinued about a year ago and the virus is now no longer detectable. It remains to be seen whether the all-clear can actually be given. To be absolutely sure, further tests must follow. In addition, it is possible that the virus could reappear in a few years. Nevertheless, the current results are promising and should give hope to many people around the world. As is often the case, however, patience, research and perhaps a little luck and confidence are still needed.

This is how it works with social contacts despite Corona
Brazilian cured of HIV

HIV-positive? Many contact points offer help

Although the current situation surrounding AIDS research indicates that an effective drug may be available in a few years, acutely infected people are currently still dependent on other alternatives, such as counselling, regular visits to the doctor and medication to delay the onset of the disease.

In the event of a diagnosis (or suspicion), it is particularly important to make use of precisely this help. Because: a transmission of the HI virus does not have to mean a death sentence! Many people live with the virus in their bodies for many years, are treated with medication and thus have the opportunity to continue enjoying their lives.

Prominent examples: Conchita Wurst also tested positive

In 2018, ESC winner Conchita Wurst outed herself as HIV positive via Instagram. Reading the lines of her posting, fans almost had the impression that the artist had freed herself from an enormous burden through her statement.

Shockingly, at the time she was using the escape route because she wanted to get ahead of a blackmailer. In addition, she also wanted to make a statement with her posting and thus encourage all those affected who also suffered from the disease or infection.

Especially interesting: Conchita has known for several years that she is HIV-positive. However, she kept the diagnosis secret for a long time because she wanted to protect her family from the increased attention. Only her closest friends were privy to it.


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