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Prix Pantheon: an award for the "Queen of Hearts" Queen Beatrix alias Hape Kerkeling

 Hape Kerkeling receives "Prix Pantheon" for his life's work

Once again this year, the Bonn Pantheon Theatre the awarding of the Prix Pantheon held. At 13. and 14.10.2020 it became exciting for the nominees. In the end, the coveted prizes were distributed - as in previous years - in a total of three categories.

The Prix Pantheon has been awarded since 1995 and is thus the most legendary German satire and cabaret prize of all. It is traditionally divided into three different categories: the Special Jury Prize "Mature and crazy", the jury prize in the competition "Precocious and depraved" and the audience award "Applauded and booed".

As in the last three years, the cabaret artist Tobias Mann the event.

The winners in the individual categories

For his "uniquely British variant of ethno-cabaret" was the British stand-up comedian and musician Tim Whelan with the Prix Pantheon in the category "Precocious and depraved". In fact, in his performances he always manages to portray British charm and at the same time remain so true to himself in a special way. An impressive recognition value on various levels.

Thanks to his way of "touching his audience with his own thoughts without using clichés", the Patheon Theatre for this, Jean-Philippe Kindler in the category "Applauded and booed" with a Prix Patheon to consider.

Last year, the prizes "Precocious & Spoiled" and "Applauded & Booed" to Lennart Schilgen and Martin Frank handed out. It is no longer a secret that winning this coveted prize can definitely push the winners' careers. Many artists conquered the world after their success at the Prix Pantheon the stages of the republic still a little "peppy" than before. Therefore, it is highly likely that the fans of the artists mentioned will continue to benefit a lot from their creativity in the future.

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 Hape Kerkeling receives "Prix Pantheon" for his life's work

The winner of the hearts and the special prize: Hape Kerkeling

The special prize in the category "Mature and crazy" received Hape Kerkeling. Surely there are few people who are as versatile, as funny and as authentic as he is.

Not only in the classical entertainment industry is he a true veteran and indispensable. Also with his well-known exclamation "Hurz!" he not only entertained people, but also created a completely new word that is still used by many today. That this evergreen will be forgotten? Unthinkable!

Also as Queen Beatrix he provided us with television moments that are likely to reverberate for decades to come. Likewise as deputy editor-in-chief of the Grevenbroicher Tagblatt. Horst Schlämmer he grunted his way into the hearts of the audience. But also as an author Hape Kerkeling with "I'm off then" to take off. He was thus justifiably awarded the special prize for his life's work.

The laudatory speech said: "(...) Kerkeling has left so much in our common memory through his humour, which never hurt, and through his artistic work, as before him still Otto, Loriot, Heinz Erhardt and Markus Söder. (...) He created a cult and became one himself. (...) HaPe Kerkeling is not only always good for surprises, he loves them. (...) He just left and was gone for a while. That has style. And class. Hurz!" One can only agree with that.

It will be interesting to see who will be in charge of the Prix Patheon and who will continue to entertain his audience with satire and comedy - and (especially) in this "special" Time.

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 Hape Kerkeling receives "Prix Pantheon" for his life's work



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