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Attention spoilers! Prince Charming is a place of gossip and flirtation!

Attention! Spoilers! - Conclusion to episode 2 of - Prince Charming

What happens in Episode 1 of the second season of Prince Charming was somehow already obvious, was now confirmed beyond doubt in episode 2: The battle is on! After the initial aim was to get to know each other a little, most of the candidates now have their sights set on the goal: they want to win the prince's heart.

However, this may not be so easy and it may take a little longer to finally be as happy as you are. Nicolas Puschmann to become, is now out of the question.

After all, the winner of the second season has to manage to beat a total of 20 men to assert themselves. Particularly interesting: in the gay version of the Bachelors there is at least as much blasphemy as in the Hete version. What's more, since the airing of the second episode it has become clear that the boys are probably not only Prince Charmingbut also find some of her fellow candidates attractive.

As always, the free TV premiere of the second season on VOX is still to come! If you don't want to be spoiled, don't read on!

Joachim and Jan become the focus of conversation

The first night the, the awarding of the coveted ties has shown that it is now getting serious in the fight for the heart of the prince. Already there seem to be smaller and larger groups. All the more "suspicious" when a particularly small group, consisting of only two members, retreats during the night.

Joachim and JanTwo of the candidates decided without further ado to spend the night outside together. Understandably, the talk was not long in coming. As in "real life", however, they did not really dare to address the incident directly. Instead, there was whispering for all it was worth.

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It is not uncommon for candidates - even on the classic Bachelor - to find each other attractive. What Bachelor fan could resist the wild canoodling between Melanie Müller, which was actually at that time about the heart of Jan Kralitschka with one of her comrades-in-arms? Also in the first season of Prince Charming was looked to the left and right more often in this respect.


The first Prince Charming group date and lots of trouble

The invitations to the first group date are - as always - exciting. After all, it might be possible to see here already in the rudimentary form for whom Prince Charming may have special sympathies.

Among the first chosen for the second season here were Jacob, Lauritz, Patrick, Michael and Gino. They were allowed to enjoy - together with the prince - many culinary, greek Taste the delicacies.

The candidates also got up close and personal verbally. Within the framework of comparatively direct questions, they talked about sex, preferences and so on. Who wants to buy a pig in a poke?

Interestingly, however, the topic changed more and more. While at the beginning there was still laughter and flirting, the conversation quickly developed in a different direction. Some date participants talked to the prince about what was happening inside the villa. Not everyone came off positively here.

Lauritz gets the coveted single date

As was sometimes the case last season, at the end of the group date the prince had the opportunity to choose a candidate who was allowed to stay a little longer. His choice fell on Lauritz, the flight attendant from Frankfurt, who was born with the motto "Life is so short, make the best of every situation" to Prince Charming 2020. According to his own statement, he has always been single and blames this fact on the fact that he is generally very choosy and has high standards.

Protection of sexual self-determination

Lauritz is definitely not one of the most popular gays in the group and some candidates therefore cannot really understand the choice of the prince. Many candidates who also took part in the group date were of the opinion that there would have been better alternatives.

At the end of the second episode, they were sorted out again and the number of possible dream partners was thus significantly reduced once more.

Attention! Spoilers! - Conclusion to episode 2 of - Prince Charming


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