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Social contacts and variety despite Corona?! - This is how it works

This is how it works with social contacts despite Corona

Everywhere and ever-present: the coronavirus. What started in Wuhan spread (who could have failed to notice?) into a worldwide pandemic.

Every individual is doing - more or less - their best to contain this virus as best they can. For many, this means staying at home. The new resolutions have now restricted public life even further. Visits to restaurants, concerts, cinemas - all this is to be impossible until the end of November 2020.

But what can help fight the virus can mean social isolation for many people. Thankfully, there are some tips that can help to get through the coming days and weeks better.

Tip No. 1: the social networks

Everyone knows them and almost everyone has at least one social network app on their smartphone. So why shouldn't these very platforms finally be used for what - according to their name - they were created for?

Whether in the chat or in the groups: There are many opportunities to exchange ideas with other people and possibly discover a hobby or two, share funny stories and inspire others.

Tip no. 2: Video chats

Modern technology also helps people to be close to each other at a greater distance.

Of course, not only simple conversations are possible here! There are virtually no limits to the imagination. So (also more or less erotic) games can be played at a distance and nothing stands in the way of a "joint dinner".

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Tip No. 3 "Old school": Writing letters

Not only for the older generation, who still particularly appreciate writing by hand, letters can be a way to maintain social contacts even during "lockdown light".

Besides bills and advertisements, a romantically written letter is likely to brighten up the mind. Also an idea: playing chess over letters! It may take a little time for one of the two players to surrender here, but waiting for the opponent's reaction can be associated with a very special charm.

Tip No. 4: (Responsible!) Corona Challenges in WhatsApp groups

A simple, but at the same time ingenious idea: create tasks in WhatsApp groups. Unfortunately, the image of such challenges has suffered over time, as there are also tasks that are not funny, but simply stupid.

But: how about a small baking competition with subsequent online voting, for example? Who decorates their living room perfectly for Halloween or who draws the best Father Christmas? An inspiring idea for everyone! By the way, the same principle works great via video chats.

Tip no. 5: Play video games online

Playing alone on the console can be fun, but can become boring over time. Those who want to compete with others can opt for an alternative here.

Many manufacturers and video game providers have been using online mode for some time, so that several players can play together.

Exploring fictional worlds, eliminating enemy soldiers or racing for the grand cup should be even more fun this way. And: the online mode not only helps to play "Corona-style" with friends, but also offers the chance to compete with strangers from all corners of the world and have fun together.

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Our list is just a few suggestions to help make Corona time a little more sociable.

However, it also shows that virtually no one has to stay alone in their flat these days. Thanks to the internet, there are various ways to keep in touch with the world out there, if you want to. However, a little deceleration alone at home can also trigger a very special kind of relaxation.


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