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Increased danger during lockdown? These signs speak for smartphone addiction

How can I recognise a mobile phone addiction and what helps against it?

Currently, almost everyone knows the problem with the Mobile phone addiction  because of the Boredom. Those who have to spend a large part of the day at home often seek out Occupations, the corona-compliant and at the same time allow you to dare to look outside again and again. And how could this be easier to achieve than with the Smartphone?

Here waits a - in the truest sense of the word - colourful World waiting to be explored. One aspect that is always forgotten, however, is that the Smartphone use can be addictive! Often the Relationship. Who wants a Partner have the "is constantly only hanging on the mobile phone"?

The following Signs can point to a Mobile phone addiction And should therefore ideally receive attention at an early stage.

How can I recognise a mobile phone addiction and what helps against it?

Sign No. 1: the recurring thought of the smartphone

"Where is my phone?", "Let me check again. Message I got..." "Who has actually already seen my Story looked at?" and "How many Likes has my Image actually in the meantime?" - when questions like these come up again and again, and the complete Daily routine Determine it's time to get smart! Some people even get really aggressiveif they do not know where their Smartphone lies at the moment. With this kind of behaviour, you are not only burdening itselfbut also their Environment.

Sign no. 2: an excessive useful life

No question: many people use their Smartphone meanwhile, in order to work and to get in touch with Share with friends. As long as this is done in a "normal" framework, provide corresponding Habits also no Problem ing. But: whoever spends a large part of the day at the Mobile phone and notices that the daily Useful life more and more increased will, should pay attention. Many Smartphones Incidentally, they offer the possibility of reducing the time spent, for example, with certain Apps is spent, to track and so the Overview to keep.

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Sign no. 3: Mobile phone addiction is all about the mobile phone

Without Mobile phone leave the house? Unimaginable! The Battery is running out and no Socket is in sight? Who here nervous should also honestly answer the question of what role the Smartphone plays in one's own life.

After all, there are so many beautiful things to experience away from the small Screen play. It is worthwhile to pay a little more attention to the Head to lift.

Sign No. 4: Lying

This usually involves a clear Characters for the fact that the Psyche understood that obviously a Problem is present. Because: whoever lies to, does not want to show that the Smartphone so is extremely important.

An absolute classic from this category? "I didn't look to see if I got a message! I just wanted to know what time it was!"

Sign no. 5: the mobile phone as a "good mood aid

Just like the Food from Sweets not for Solution of a Problems can contribute, also helps a Smartphone not in the process of Quality of life at Duration to improve. Unfortunately, however, many actually try to Smartphone addicts, from negative News, Job stress or other Challenges with a View on the Mobile phone distract and move into another World to click. The handle to the Device Here, alarmingly, it is becoming more and more Automatism.

Conclusion of mobile phone addiction

Yes, it is definitely possible after Smartphones and their use addicted to become. As with regard to other Addictions Here, too, it applies that the corresponding demand is never based on the light shoulder should be taken. As a first step, it makes sense to create your own "Mobile phone lock" and, for example, to try to make the Mobile phone for several Hours from the Field of vision to banish.

Should this not succeed and should the Mobile phone addiction too strong have become, support can also be provided by Friends help. Last but not least, of course professional help be taken up.

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