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Riccardo Simonetti draws attention to homophobia on the net

Riccardo Simonetti defends himself against homophobic slogans

Riccardo Simonetti is now a household name for many people. He stands for glamour, fashion and the versatility of the LGBTQ Scene. Now he has addressed his followers with an emotional post - both on facebook and on Instagram. Under the motto "Germany we need to talk"he once again clarified the current grievances that members of the LGBTQ scene unfortunately still have to deal with every day.

He is also regularly insulted - sometimes directly and sometimes indirectly. In his post, he ventilates himself. To do so, he uses a picture that does not fit into his - otherwise so colourful - chronicle. The underlying post should speak to the heart of many queers.

Do many people misjudge their own homophobia?

Possibly. And probably only gays who have been affected by cyberbullying can understand how macabre it feels to be confronted with - as Simonetti quotes it - "I have nothing against gays, but..."to be written to.

The blogger explains, among other things, that this is precisely the problem - that people do not understand that "that is just as homophobic/transphobic as if they use swear words for it". And it is completely irrelevant whether the statement in question is preceded by a "Sorry" would be set.

If you scroll to the right on Instagram, you can then look at two of his attached screenshots and perhaps understand a little better why this topic is so important to him. Here, a user (?) writes to him that "every scruffy Gender freak is presented as normal and the norm".

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In short, the words offend on many levels. Moreover, it should be kept in mind that the published comments are only two examples. The list of insults that not only Simonetti but many other members of the LGBTQ community are confronted with is long and difficult for many to bear.

Who is Riccardo Simonetti?

Riccardo Simonetti started his career as a blogger. He later became known to the wider public as a TV personality, including as a presenter. He has also been on "Shopping Queen"and in various quiz shows.

He proves time and again that the scene is not only colourful and queer, but can also be multi-layered. Accordingly, the artist stands for a particularly broad spectrum and important messages that - on closer inspection - should not only concern the LGBTQ scene, but everyone.

The comments under his post also prove that he seems to have hit a nerve here. Many followers, including celebrities such as Monica Meier-Ivancan, agree with him. Shortly after publication, his statement was flooded with hearts.

Accordingly, it is to be hoped that he will continue to campaign for equality, tolerance and against cyberbullying in the future.

By the way, he is - thank God - not the only celebrity who puts his finger in the wound here from time to time. Among others, Jochen Schropp and Nicolas Puschmann regularly campaign to ensure that the challenges queers have to deal with in everyday life are not forgotten.

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