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Love killer bad breath - tips against bad breath

What to do about bad breath or halitosis

The first date is coming up and the excitement is rising. Nothing should go wrong on this first evening or be left to chance, because often the first impression decides about possible further meetings.

In this context, bad breath is not only considered unattractive, but also particularly "insidious". This is because those affected often do not notice their bad breath.

The good news is that those who have been made aware of their problem - preferably lovingly, of course, and by their friends - can take countermeasures.

What bad breath is actually "normal"?

Bad breath can be annoying and, last but not least, it can affect your quality of life. Just about everyone has probably struggled with this problem at some point in their lives. Especially after eating onions and garlic, bad breath is guaranteed.

But while for many it disappears on its own, for others it becomes a constant companion - regardless of what they have eaten before.

However, those who manage to react comparatively quickly may benefit from an important advantage. Because: the less time that passes, the better the problem can often be solved.

Bad breath: a quick treatment and effective prevention

There are many causes of bad breath. From the food ingested to diseases in the ENT and stomach area, there are many factors that can cause bad breath. Accordingly, the first step is to get to the bottom of the cause of persistent bad breath. come. This can be a somewhat lengthy procedure that usually requires consultation with a doctor.

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However, if you know why you suffer from bad breath, you also know where to start. It is therefore worthwhile - especially in the long term - to get to the bottom of the cause.

Quick help against unpleasant breath

The aforementioned search for causes is in full swing right now, but the next date is coming up? Here a short self-test is useful. The first step is to clean the back of the hand and lick it several times with the tongue. If the area smells after the saliva has dried, the oral cavity will smell accordingly.

The following emergency tips can help optimise your first impression on a date.

Tip no. 1: the mouth rinse
Tip no. 1: the mouth rinse

Mouthwash has become an integral part of daily oral hygiene for many people. If you suffer from acute bad breath, you can use it to rinse your mouth out properly before a date. Some manufacturers have specialised in neutralising bad breath. A special advantage: regular use can often even prevent bad breath in advance.

Tip no. 2: the chewing gum
Tip no. 2: the chewing gum

This "all-purpose" item is in almost every pocket. Not only does chewing gum mask unwanted odours, it can also help you relax before a date.

But: chewing gum is not recommended in the case of chronic temporomandibular joint or mouth muscle tension.

Tip no. 3: the coffee bean
Tip no. 3: the coffee bean

Looking for an alternative to chewing gum? How about a coffee bean? With its help, the smell is neutralised. At the same time, calories and sugar are saved. To be fair, however, it should also be mentioned that it can take a little time to get used to the intense taste.

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Tip no. 4: comprehensive oral hygiene
Tip no. 4: comprehensive oral hygiene

Proper oral hygiene can help prevent bad breath permanently. Said hygiene includes brushing and flossing at least twice a day. A tongue scraper can further enhance the effect.

Although this is a long-term tip, brushing your teeth and other things can also help you get into a good position right before the date.

Additional tip: Less alcohol, a smoke-free life and the right diet can also help to avoid unpleasant odours from the mouth in the long term.


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