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The term "drag" is usually used to express the play with gender roles. Drag" is an abbreviation for "Dressed as Girl" or "Dressed as Guy". In everyday life, this term is often misinterpreted or not interpreted comprehensively enough. Many people associate drag with the classic travesty sector. But it is not... weiterlesen

Drag King

Drag King

With a Drag King is a woman who slips into a man's role and often lives it down to the last detail. A drag king is a woman who loves to dress up as a man and thus stage her role perfectly. Another special feature: due to the fact that particular character traits and movements are usually... weiterlesen

Drag Queen

Drag queen

With a Drag Queen it is the opposite of a Drag King - the drag queen dresses up as a woman, but is actually a man. Many find it difficult to escape the special magic of a drag queen. This is a man who slips into the role of a woman, the corresponding... weiterlesen

Drama Queen

Drama queen

A drama Queen tends to emotional outbursts and dramatisation. Drama queens do not necessarily have to be gays. Of course, heterosexual women (and men) can also be real drama queens. They are characterised by their tendency to overdramatise and present themselves. The classic drama queen - as the name suggests - makes almost... weiterlesen



In a threesome, either two women and a man or two men and a woman have sex with each other. As the name suggests, a threesome is sex with three people. It doesn't matter whether two women have sex with one man or two men with one woman. The term remains... weiterlesen

Dress code

Dress code

A dress code is a specific form of dress code that must be observed at events, for example. A dress code is intended to ensure that visitors to events dress in a certain style. In this way, the host can have a decisive influence on the ambience of his party or the event in question. To ensure that everyone is actually informed about the corresponding requirements... weiterlesen