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Popular LGBT series and films for streaming afternoons

LGBT series
Anyone who is in the mood for special entertainment today no longer has to go to the cinema. In times of binge-watching, streaming and the like, it's not hard to go in search of a new favourite series.

Especially the developments with regard to storylines and around the LGBT scene are interesting. Today, in order to immerse oneself in the film mix worlds that deal with same-sex love, one no longer necessarily needs classics such as "Philadelphia".

The range of series that are currently being filmed or have only recently been completed is extremely impressive. Which series are particularly worthwhile?


The series "Glee" has long enjoyed international success. Even though it is primarily filmed at a high school and accordingly focuses on the younger generation, the audience is now mixed.

Whoever feels like partly profound LGBT Actors in the mix with music and a little wit definitely get their money's worth with "Glee". Once started, it is hard to leave this series behind. This is mainly because the various characters are partly characters with whom it is not difficult to identify. Of course, not only love but also bullying against gays plays an important role here. Especially when one's own Coming out If you have a lot of work to do, this series is certainly a helpful anchor.

"The Danish Girl"

Not only many lesbians but also gays love this series. Here, everything revolves around an intersexual protagonist who was born in the wrong body and decides to undergo a sex change in the 1930s. Mostly profound, always emotional and never unemotional, the makers manage to build up a scenery that lets you dive into another time and special challenges.

Not in the mood for a long wait for your next hair appointment?

"The Danish" Girl definitely has addictive potential and invites you to be "binged" through in one piece.


"Moonlight" is not only one of the best-known films of this genre, but also one of the most excellent. In this work, the life story of the (initially) young Chiron is illuminated. It is about the special challenges that a person who is considered an outsider has to face. Anyone in the mood for particularly emotional action, perhaps even crying, is in good hands here.

Especially due to the fact that the main protagonist is a comparatively shy character, many people are likely to find themselves here.

"Sense 8"

Who actually ever claimed that series about gays and the Scene would have to be set exclusively in our time? If you fancy a mix of LGBT and science fiction, you'll get your money's worth with "Sense 8".

The series manages to combine the future with serious, sometimes very thought-provoking entertainment and sheds light on the different facets of the Gay Being in an impressive way. Here, everything revolves around a total of eight people, including one transgender person, who feel connected to each other in individual ways.

Many fans appreciate not only the dramatic yet loving design, but also the ever-building tension of the plot. It is definitely difficult to switch off here.

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