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"Take me out" for gays - what can the new concept do?


Admittedly: after a gay bachelor it was only a matter of time before other dating formats followed suit, wasn't it? And what could be more obvious than to create a gay version of "Take me out"?

After all, this is a particularly popular format that is not only characterised by its longevity and witty moderation, but also by exciting processes and an easy-to-follow game principle.

Or in other words: what works for straight people should also work for gays, right? The principle of Take me out for gays should correspond to the original. True to the motto "Never change a running system!", the aim here should also be to find one's better half (or an adventure). After all, the "great love" may not only be waiting in everyday life. It is said that one or two hearts have already found each other on TV.

Accordingly, it should be worth giving the new concept a chance - if only because many exciting characters will certainly be taking part here.

How does "Take me out for gays" work?

No question: "Take me out" lives - apart from funny dialogues and situations - above all from its speed. The principle: one man faces a comparatively large number of singles. In each round, the aim is to convince the singles of their own merits. At the end of the third round - ideally - at least two singles remain.

Now the candidate can ask the last singles a question. In the end, the answers decide who the candidate chooses.

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The flirting potential is extremely high simply due to the fact that it is always necessary to show one's best side. The whole thing is supported by presenter and comedian Ralf Schmitz, who of course also gets on the candidates' and singles' nerves.

What happens after the final "buzzer"?

Since the principle of the classic "Take me out" is also to be retained in the gay variant, it is also clear what will happen after the decision for a particular candidate. Whoever wins can look forward to a romantic date with their counterpart.

Whether more or what exactly will become of the acquaintance remains to be seen, of course. What is certain, however, is that the gay Scene may have found a great way to take classic speed dating to a new level in "Take me out for gays".

When does "Take me out for gays" start?

Good question. Due to the current Corona crisis, the start of "Take me out for gays" has probably been delayed. But even before that, no exact start date was known. According to the casting agency, however, preparations for the show are already underway.

Applications are also already being accepted. The first step is to fill out an online form. Some helpful information is now also available on Instagram.

In short: there is much to suggest that the plans for implementation are likely to be put into action soon. The reactions in the social media networks were largely positive. All the better! After all, it would be a shame if a casting show for gays were to shock a society that tends to be rather open.

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