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5 tips for more fun gay cruising

Gay cruising#

For many gays, cruising is one of the most erotic leisure activities of all! However, a closer look reveals some details that can make the "most beautiful pastime in the world" even more fun.

But how is it actually possible not to reinvent cruising, but to make it even more varied and versatile?

One thing is certain: especially in big cities come Gays looking for quick, spontaneous sex usually get their money's worth. But gays in villages or small towns don't have to despair either. With the following tips, it will certainly be a little more fun to throw yourself into pleasure!

Tip No. 1: The search for real insider tips

Especially when cruising has been going on for a while, many gays are looking for a new thrill. After all, it is especially appealing to meet new people (and not always just the same ones at the familiar places). Those who are looking for real insider tips for cruising usually find what they are looking for via the relevant forums on the internet.

A visit and appropriate research are also worthwhile, especially when it comes to reorienting oneself after moving to a new city.

Tip no. 2: Always be well prepared

Not only gays know: the desire for sex sometimes comes spontaneously. That's why it always makes sense to have not only the right locations in mind, but at the same time a Condom to have in your pocket. Depending on your taste, it can also be worthwhile to have a little lube with you.

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After all, no one should have to miss out on a hot sex adventure when it's so easy to ensure an optimal mix of safety and passion, right? Many sex shops now even offer ready-made cruising packs.

Tip No. 3: Business cards for a reunion

The sex while cruising was so good that everything screams for a second date? No problem... as long as business cards can be exchanged! So nothing stands in the way of an uncomplicated second date. After all, it could well be that a cruising adventure develops into a real "lucky strike".

Tip no. 4: Accept long distances

Gays who are mobile and have their own car, for example, are definitely at an advantage when cruising. Because: they have the possibility to drive to the different cruising places in a completely flexible way. It can be worthwhile to travel further every now and then to get to know new places and also new gays.

Tip no. 5: "Invite" spectators

If you feel like being watched during sex, you might also get your money's worth when cruising. If, for example, several gays are in the same place at the same time, it could well be that the adventure goes beyond classic sex. Many forums nowadays offer the possibility of registering one's own sex plan and thus attracting the attention of others.

Of course, it should always be clarified in advance whether they are just there to watch or to participate. Especially at popular and well-known cruising locations, many fans of this trend get their money's worth. However, if you opt for smaller, less frequented car parks, you run the risk of having to wait longer or going home without sex.

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