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The Simpsons: new episodes in the starting blocks

Fans of the "yellow family" should be happy. ProSieben has once again launched the popular "Mad Yellow Monday". From 8 June 2020, this will ensure that new episodes of the 30th season can flicker across German screens. It will start at 8:15 p.m. each night.

Those who tune in here will quickly discover that they will be provided with a total of three new episodes. One week later, on 15 June 2020, two new episodes will be broadcast. After that, the channel will show a new episode every Monday.

One thing is certain: whether it's one, two or even three new episodes in a row - it shouldn't get boring here. Above all because "The Simpsons" has always been one of the series that have been the most LGBTQ Scene are particularly popular. Thus, in recent years and in a total of 30 (!) seasons, many well-known showbiz greats, such as Elton John, have given themselves the honour of being dubbed in their own yellow role. It almost seems as if Matt Groening and his team are always a little ahead of their time. An aspect that makes the series something very special - at least among its fans.

Which Simpsons characters have come out so far?

A look at the long list of episodes shows that there have been characters in the history of The Simpsons who have come out more or less openly. Their best-known representative is certainly Waylon Smithers, the right-hand man of Mr Burns, the manager of the nuclear power plant. His love for his superior plays an important role in several scenes and has even become a kind of "running gag".

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Then in season 5 he confesses his love to his boss, only to talk his way out of the situation seconds later. In season 9, there is a kiss. One thing is certain: even though Smithers definitely has his own way of dealing with his obvious homosexuality, the makers of the series always manage not to ridicule his feelings.

Also Patty Bouvier, Marges Sisterchanges the famous shore in the course of the series. She justifies her decision by saying that she once saw Homer running naked through the house. Other gay Simpsons include John Popovich, Verity Heathbar and the "Comic Book Gay". Whether Milhouse, Bart's best buddy and actually the one who so often raves about Lisa, is also gay could be, is always hotly debated among fans.

Jokes with respect: The Simpsons make a statement

30 seasons and the long-lasting success of the series prove the creators around Matt Groening right: "The Simpsons" has long since managed to achieve cult status.

Despite the fact that the series is definitely aimed more at adults than children and is not squeamish about the use of black humour, no boundaries are crossed - especially in connection with the portrayal of gay and lesbian characters. Even if some scenes are certainly portrayed a little exaggeratedly, the respect shown for topics such as homosexuality, environmental protection and tolerance is almost always palpable.

For this reason alone, it is certainly more than legitimate to look forward to the broadcast of the new episodes... even if "Young Sheldon" has to give up his place for this as part of "Mad Yellow Mondays". The series about the little genius says goodbye to the summer break.

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