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Is being gay a career killer?

Gay on the job. Is that a career killer

Many gays know the situation: a new job is coming up, everything seems perfect... If it weren't for the question of how to deal openly with one's own sexuality. Of course: no one would think of cometo introduce themselves with the words: "My name is XY and I am gay!", to present.

But: sooner or later, situations almost always arise that actually lend themselves to coming out in a completely uncomplicated way. But what effects can this have on your future career? How openly do colleagues and bosses react?

One thing is certain: keeping a secret from your partner can hurt him or her and, of course, put a strain on the relationship. With the following tips it will certainly be a little easier to make a decision for or against the Coming Out on the job.

Fact No. 1: The right time is crucial

Regardless of whether gay, lesbian or straight: anyone who talks about their partner during working hours should be able to judge the right time and at the same time exercise moderation. No one wants to hear hours of praise for their loved one... no matter if it is a same-sex relationship or not.

However, at the latest when asked directly or when it comes to planning the Christmas party with company, it makes sense to put your cards on the table in order to be fair to everyone.

Fact No. 2: Lying is useless!

Just about everyone knows them: the questions at a job interview in which it is permissible to lie. However, anyone who slanders their partner not only hurts them, but also damages their own credibility.

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An honest "Yes, I have a boyfriend and I'm gay!" or a "Sorry, I don't want to talk about my private life." is usually much more conducive than spinning lies. After all, it would be more than embarrassing to meet your boss the next day - together with your partner arm in arm - when you're out for a walk and have to explain yourself, wouldn't it?

Fact No. 3: Learning to deal with colleagues' reactions

No matter how tolerant and open colleagues in a company may be: the probability that everyone is really enthusiastic about a gay being part of the staff is low. Therefore, negative reactions should not be ruled out from the outset.

The question here (as so often) is how to deal with the negativity and how much space to give it within one's own life. Those who can set themselves apart are usually at a clear advantage.

Fact No. 4: Openness can open doors

Many gays are surprised to learn that coming out may have a positive impact on their professional career.

The courage it takes to be honest and open with one's superiors and colleagues is appreciated by many.

Among other things, it is a particular advantage that many gays are believed to have a high degree of creativity and individuality. Those who can demonstrate just that in creative professions often benefit from a special leap of faith.


In most cases, the best solution is to be open about your homosexuality - even in a job. Even if this is not information that has to be directly included in the application, it is still sensible not to conceal a long-term relationship, for example.

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If, in retrospect, it turns out that bullying and the like are henceforth on the agenda, it is certainly time to consider whether the company in question is actually a good fit. After all, no one should be forced to pretend - neither in professional nor in private everyday life.

This news might interest you: The parents, the most difficult thing about coming out

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