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June is Pride Month - that's how the LGBTQ scene celebrates despite Corona.

June is Pride Month - that's how the LGBTQ scene celebrates despite Corona.

Even though Corona has taken over the world for a few months now, it should not be forgotten that June is the so-called Pride month. Every year, being queer is celebrated here in a special way in Scene set.

In many places - normally - Christopher Street Days or/ and boisterous parties would take place. In 2020 everything is different. At least almost! Because: of course, Pride Month 2020 will also be celebrated.

Many people in charge, gays and straights, have come up with special ways to ensure that June can shine in its usual colourful way. The only question that remains is: which ideas are particularly convincing?

Companies use rainbow designs

Rainbow designs currently play an important role for many companies. They use the mix of bright colours to make a statement for diversity and tolerance. Shockingly, this does not go down well with all customers. A look at the social networks shows. That apparently some people have a problem with openness being demonstrated in this way.

The companies in question often have to defend themselves against hate speech - for example in the comments columns - and are frequently attacked. However, there are - fortunately - also more and more users who express themselves positively and stand up to intolerance.

DIY Pride at the Windows

Since unfortunately there is currently no possibility to visit a boisterous CSD and dance together with the people in the streets, another form of cohesion is needed. If you want to make a statement in a particularly convenient ( but meaningful) way, you can hang a self-painted rainbow in your window during Pride Month in June - and of course beyond.

The Cologne Sharks and 1. FC Köln receive the Pride Award

This shows to the outside world that a person lives here who has the LGBTQ community and maybe even belong to it. A great way to make a statement for little money and in a completely uncomplicated way.

Virtual events around Pride and Co.

During the time of the Corona crisis, virtual events enjoy a special popularity. Events around Pride, Queer and Co. are of course no exception in this context.

For example, interested parties have the chance to watch a complete CSD via laptop or smartphone and record the special message before the next year's (hopefully) real celebration. Those who are interested in the respective events should find out about dates and co. in advance. Because: not all CSDs are actually held virtually.

Show your colours? Here's how!

Those who feel like spreading their own Pride message to the world on various days in June usually get their money's worth as well.

Many designers have focused, among other things, on garments with the famous rainbow and the corresponding statements. They thus offer the opportunity to present the messages around individuality, tolerance and openness on every day - not only in June!

June 2021 - everything back to "normal"?

At a time when major events are being cancelled, the question naturally arises as to when Pride can be celebrated "properly" again. With regard to the fact that organisers are currently setting their dates for next year, it is certainly not wrong to be a little optimistic here.

Until then, it is once again a matter of enjoying life as much as possible and not forgetting the special message behind the Pride movement, especially in these difficult times.

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