Prince Harry sends video message to AIDS 2020 Conference

Prince Harry and his Meghan have thrown the world of royals into disarray from time to time in the past, and this time he opens the AIDS 2020 Conference. Although Charles' younger son has been away from the British Royal Family for some time, there is no question that he still enjoys incredible popularity.
Recently, he sent a video message and thus became an important part of the "AIDS 2020 Conference". Many fans of the royals felt reminded of his mother, Lady Di, who - also contrary to prevailing conventions - often consciously sought contact with people in society who were unfortunately all too often excluded.
Private, emotional and personal
Harry's video message delighted viewers in many ways. For: he was not sitting in a sterile, tidy office, but sent his greetings - as was quickly assumed on social networks - to the opening ceremony directly from his garden.
You can't get any closer to the public than at the AIDS 2020 Conference!
Moreover, the ex-royal managed to combine several themes in his speech. The credo: hang in there! The last few months have shown how important it is not to give up.
At the same time, he emphasised that he understood that some people find it difficult not to bury their heads in the sand. Without pointing fingers, but with a lot of love, it almost seemed as if he wanted to bring the whole world together in a special way. His mother, as many of his fans, would certainly have been proud of this moving message.
Aids as a challenge to fight the crisis
During his speech, Harry also emphasised that people suffering from AIDS or HIV infection know exactly how much courage and stamina it takes not to lose hope.
He obviously does not see himself as the restless fighter. Rather, he explained that it always inspires him to see how other people manage to take on the challenges of everyday life.
The fans thus saw what they had certainly wished for: a Harry who, although officially no longer part of the royal family, still reaches people's hearts. At a time when the image of the royals has suffered a little due to the current rumours about Prince Andrew, this speech might also have come at the right time with regard to a glimmer of hope for the fans of the royal family.
Harry lives on Diana's values
Diana was appreciated by the people not only for her modern views, but also for her handling of crises. She managed not to lose her dignity despite her failed marriage to Charles, to remain true to herself and - after the break with the royal family - to lead a happy life.
With a little imagination, it should not be difficult to imagine that she herself could have given a speech similar to that of her youngest son.
The message: tolerance, love and the courage not to give up even in difficult situations. Anyone who is infected with the HI virus must inevitably become a fighter. All the better if more and more prominent people decide to make statements and support those affected.
Harry may no longer officially belong to the Royal Family. But he certainly deserves the title "Prince of Hearts" after his message to the Aids 2020 Conference.
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