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Outdoor sports in summer - this keeps you comfortable even in high temperatures.

Outdoor sports at the height of summer - with these 5 tips it works

Many gays love to hit the gym in the winter for the Outdoor Prepare for sports in the summer. After all, a well-trained beach body can also help you land a flirt or two. Those who don't want to miss out on their regular sessions in summer often train outside.

After all, the sun beams temptingly from the sky, so it seems harder than ever to find a convincing excuse.

Especially in the area of endurance sports, however, it quickly becomes apparent that a workout can turn into a real ordeal. Sometimes it is even dangerous to get your heart rate up when the temperature is above 30 °C.

However, if you follow a few tips, you can increase your comfort factor even when exercising in the summer without having to let fun fall by the wayside.

Tip no. 1: If in doubt, talk to your doctor

Especially if there is even the slightest doubt about the athlete's state of health, it is important to get "permission" from the doctor treating the athlete for outdoor sports at particularly high temperatures. The doctor can best assess whether rising blood pressure is still within a healthy range in an individual case and whether there are other reasons against demanding outdoor training.

Tip no. 2: Exercise in the morning

Even at the height of summer, temperatures are lower in the early hours of the morning. A great opportunity to lace up your jogging shoes right now. Another advantage: those who train in the morning often start the day a little more motivated.

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But: training with a (slightly) heated body and a feeling of hunger can quickly become unpleasant for many people. If you want to be on the safe side as far as possible, you should at least treat yourself to a banana beforehand to support your circulation.

Tip no. 3: The right clothes

Breathable clothing is also an absolute must-have for hobby outdoor athletes during the summer. Depending on your personal taste, you can choose between long or short trousers and tops.

In this context, most joggers prefer outfits that are comparatively tight-fitting and thus able to follow their movements in a flexible way. Clothing that is too loose, on the other hand, likes to flap in the wind and thus presents an unpleasant resistance.

Tip no. 4: Drink enough!

During every outdoor sports workout, the body loses fluid. Especially with regard to training in high temperatures, this effect should not be underestimated. The body wants to cool itself down. However, if you drink too little, you risk circulatory problems, among other things.

It is therefore all the more important to replenish the appropriate reserves in good time and also to drink enough before lacing up your jogging shoes.

If you know in advance that you will be tackling a longer route, you should also take water with you. Many manufacturers offer small bottles that can be easily attached to a hip belt.

Tip no. 5: Listen to your body

The heat in summer challenges everyone in outdoor sports. Both amateur and professional athletes are therefore forced to adapt to new conditions.

Nevertheless, the body is not a machine. Therefore, it is all the more important to listen to signals such as headaches and the like in order to be able to counteract them quickly if necessary. As a rule, nothing stands in the way of satisfactory training in the summer.

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