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Bundeswehr: Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer apologises to homosexuals

German Armed Forces Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer apologises to homosexuals

Homosexual soldiers in the Bundeswehr are discriminated against time and again, but Kramp-Karrenbauer is now standing up for them. The number of unreported cases is certainly particularly high. Now Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer has apologised to all those affected.

There is also talk of compensation. This is to be granted to all soldiers who have been victims of mobbing, violence, etc. because of their homosexuality. Furthermore, rehabilitation and any sentences passed by military courts against homosexual servicemen and servicewomen are to be revoked.

An emotional speech by Kramp-Karrenbauer

Anyone who listened to Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer last Thursday noticed how strongly the Defence Minister obviously felt about this topic. At the end of her statement, she apologised to all those who had been victims of discrimination within the Bundeswehr in the past because of their sexual orientation.

At the same time, she emphasised that it was certainly hard for outsiders to imagine what those affected had gone through during this time. It should be corrected "what is possible". Because: neither gender nor the question "Gayor not?" should play a role in the assessment of a person. In the Bundeswehr, too, decisions should only be made on the basis of ability.

A frightening study

The Defence Minister's impressive statement was underpinned by a shocking study. The corresponding data showed, among other things, that discrimination against homosexual servicemen and women is by no means an exclusively current occurrence.

Rather, the contents of the work show that the victims had to suffer at the hands of the perpetrators as early as 1955. Classic examples of discrimination - often openly practised - include the fact that homosexuals had significantly fewer opportunities to rise to higher positions in the Bundeswehr.

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How much of Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer was actually in the speech?

Anyone who follows Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer's story a little more closely will surely wonder how much of her own opinion was in last Thursday's blazing speech. Wasn't it the current defence minister who turned many queers against herself by repeatedly speaking negatively towards the Scene and its members?

Still unforgotten today are her statements against same-sex marriage and Intersexuality. The community has certainly not forgotten all this. However, it is also certain that the content of the speech may have startled one or two people.

At the latest after the scandals of the last few days regarding radical right-wing messages and chats within the North Rhine-Westphalian police force, it has once again become apparent that the people with whom a high degree of seriousness and loyalty is actually associated are sometimes unable to keep this claim.

German Armed Forces Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer apologises to homosexuals
Discrimination against homosexuals in the Bundeswehr - how high is the number of unreported cases?

This is a question that - at least at this point in time - cannot be answered. While a look at the personnel lists within the Bundeswehr can provide a basis for research around homosexuals in leadership positions for those who deal with this topic, internal mobbing attacks, violence and co. often remain undetected.

Unfortunately, many of those affected are also ashamed to go public with their fate. Therefore, it may well be that many acts of the past will remain unpunished here. However, with the recent apology by the current Minister of Defence and the announcement of compensation, a new phase may have dawned for homosexuals in the Bundeswehr, which, among other things, will enable them to contribute their skills and competences even better.

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Now it is "only" important that people's thinking also changes accordingly.


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