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In Germany, homosexual politicians are finally no longer taboo

More and more politicians show their colours

From Taboo to Normality: Gay Politicians in Germany

The last few years have shown that many politicians, among others, have also publicly committed to their Gay to be. People like the Minister of Health Jens Spahn or Guido Westerwelle stood publicly (some more, some less voluntarily) by their love for men.

But who actually outed themselves in a particularly spectacular way? Who became the Outing forced? And how problematic (or unproblematic) is it to come out as gay as a politician in Germany these days?

We have examined the best-known cases a little more closely.

The pioneer: Klaus Wowereit (SPD)

"I'm gay - and that's a good thing!", these - by now legendary - words Wowereit's, certainly also encouraged many citizens to come out of the closet about their homosexuality.

Wowereit's statement was an important step on the way to a time when the topic of homosexuality should no longer be taboo in politics. With his outing, he was not only the first officially homo politician in Germany, but also one of the first in the whole world. Accordingly, the media echo was very great.

(In a way) forced to come out: Jens Spahn (CDU)

Also the current Minister of Health, Jens Spahn, is gay. What many comment on today with a self-evident "So what?" was long considered a big secret. At the age of 21 Spahn to run as a member of the Bundestag in Münsterlang. An opponent threatened him and wanted to make his homosexuality public.

Thereupon had Jens Spahn his outing to his parents. They were very liberal about their son's sexual orientation. Afterwards, he openly admitted his love for men and today sometimes also talks about living with his husband in interviews.

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The open secret: Guido Westerwelle (FDP)

What many had long suspected was confirmed by Bild in 2004 with the headline "FDP leader Westerwelle loves this man!". FAZ editor Hugo Müller-Vogg told at the time how he uncovered the open secret.

Guido Westerwelle brought his life partner to the birthday party of the current German Chancellor Angela Merkel with him and positioned himself with him in a photo in the front row.

Westerwelle and his partner Michael Schumacher chin did not comment on their private lives, but also never denied the headline. Every now and then, voices were raised that spoke of a stone being Westerwelle fell from his heart, reported reading the headline.

Gay politicians? Not uncommon in many countries

There are currently several homosexual heads of government abroad. Serbia is ruled by Ana Brnabic a lesbian prime minister. Luxembourg's Prime Minister Xavier Bettel lives with a man. Ireland's Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, the former Irish Prime Minister, also.

With Pete Buttigieg a gay man is currently running for president of the United States.



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