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France takes a firm stand against homophobia

France leads a fight against homophobia

Anyone who looks a little into the (sad) statistics surrounding the sometimes openly lived homophobia in France quickly realises that it can be quite dangerous for those affected here, gay to be.

More and more attacks on homosexual couples and queers are taking place in everyday life. Now Macron is reacting. Among other things, his government has collaborated on a plan with a total of 40 points. The aim: to educate and sensitise people and to fight against Homophobia in everyday life.

A look at the statistics: how much homophobia is there in France?

In the past, various newspaper articles have repeatedly mentioned that violence against queers in France has increased in the past. But what does this actually mean in numbers?

Among other things, the jump from 2018 to 2019 is shocking, because in this period, violence against gays has increased by far more than 30 per cent. Almost 2,000 offences of various degrees (from insults to assaults) were registered.

It is therefore all the better that this development is now being addressed with the above-mentioned 40 point plan should be counteracted.

But what content is actually particularly relevant here?

It is interesting to note that the target group for the plan seems to be mainly younger people and young people. After all, the plan mainly refers to contents that are to be taught in schools and other educational institutions, for example. The range of LGBTQ topics is wide-ranging in this context. Among other things, teachers also have the opportunity here to access various materials and - ideally - to incorporate them into their lessons.

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This should make it even easier to protect LGBTQ pupils and young people from prejudice, hatred and violence of all kinds and, if necessary, to start the relevant educational work directly in the classroom.

Another advantage: LGBTQ members might feel a little more comfortable with a teacher at their side who stands up for their rights in such an unequivocal way.

What is actually discriminatory?

A good question! Various surveys on this topic repeatedly show that almost everyone understands something different under the meaningful word "discrimination".

One topic that is currently on the minds of many LGBTQ people is the discussion about the right to adopt children by rainbow couples.

Unfortunately, men and women who would like to plan their families accordingly are always getting obstacles in their way. Therefore, the educational work, which is to be deepened within the framework of the 40 points, is not only directed at the young people mentioned above, but also at the responsible authorities.

Further training in dealing with victims

Even though many people in France naturally condemn violence and hatred against gays and lesbians in the strongest terms, they sometimes do not know how to deal with the victims.

The newly developed plan is also intended to help with this. It shows how people who have had to face bullying, violence and hatred in the past can be helped.

What are the benefits of the guidelines?

To find an answer to this question would certainly require a look into the famous crystal ball. However, many experiences of recent years show that - especially with regard to combating violence and bullying - it can help to take action at an early stage through education and to draft guidelines that those who want to help can adhere to.

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In this way, insecurity in dealing with victims can usually be prevented. At the same time, it is of course of great importance to take preventive action and to prevent dangerous situations from arising in the first place. Education - especially in the course of youth work - is one of the most important building blocks here.



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