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Bill Kaulitz's biography: Career Suicide - a special insight into an eventful life

Bill Kaulitz publishes his book Career Suicide

Bill Kaulitz was able to experience many things in his 30 years of life that others are denied in 80.

Now he has published his first biography. "Career Suicide" gives deep insights into the public and private life of the Tokio Hotel singer. In the book, the singer reveals himself as intimately (and vulnerably) as never before.

Who is Bill Kaulitz, anyway?

Bill Kaulitz and his twin brother Tom were already musically gifted as small children. Thanks to the additional motivation and support of their stepfather, the foundation was laid for a special career in music.

The first attempts with bands went less well and only after a performance at "Star Search", the masses became aware of the boy with the wild hairstyle. At the same time, the band "Tokio Hotel" famous overnight. The single "Through the monsoon provided the breakthrough and brought the boys into the well-known youth magazines and - of course - into TV.

Afterwards, the band went through screaming fans, full halls and a lot of attention. Bill and the others could hardly handle the new fame. He reveals how bad it really was in his biography "Career Suicide".

The public got little notice of the problems. After it had been quiet around the band for a long time, the first sign of life came again in 2013. Because: Bill and Tom sat next to Dieter Bohlen in the "DSDS" Jury. A kind of "Revival", about which not only the children of the 1990s were happy.

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Currently, there is a lot to see of the boys in the social networks. For example, the band is slipping into the old outfits from "Monsoon" Times.

Bill also works as a model, voice actor, TV judge and designer.

Bill Kaulitz publishes his book Career Suicide

Career Suicide - a moving, personal insight

The name of the book was not chosen by chance. Already at the beginning of his career, Bill was accompanied by the word "Career suicide." Often this was a kind of threat, which meant that he was not allowed to do what he wanted. Otherwise his career would be over.

Since these words were always present and he still did his thing, it is somewhat ironic that his biography was given this very title.

Furthermore, he adds that the book could possibly also initiate career suicide, because it is very intimate and gives away a lot.

He wants to present new content that has not yet been talked about in interviews, for example. Therefore, not only his career and sudden fame, but also attacks on his family, life in L.A. and the dark sides of a steep career are discussed.

Also his unfulfilled love life, bullying. experiences during the tours and the special relationship with his brother Tom Kaulitz. come to the language.

The author would be pleased if people could draw strength and energy for their own goals from his book. The core message remains: Always remain authentic! - Actually, almost always no matter what others think of the idea and what consequences await.

Career Suicide

Who might like "Career Suicide"?

Probably "Career Suicide"is not only suitable for die-hard Tokio Hotel fans. Those who like to put themselves in the shoes of others and possibly find themselves in Bill's problems should also be thrilled by this book.

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Not a guidebook, not a manual for a better, queer life, but an interesting insight into the life of a person whose life obviously provides enough material for a biography after only 30 years.

Heidi Klum and her Tom may be enjoying a little more media attention at the moment. Bill's "way of life" is, however, certainly just as interesting for many. In this respect, "Career Suicide"also about making a special statement.

Bill Kaulitz publishes his book Career Suicide



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