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LGBTQs are disadvantaged in their careers, according to a study

A recent survey shows the disadvantage of LGBTQs

Surveys and statistics may seem dry and boring to many people. However, they sometimes deal with important issues that concern us all. Among other things, they are also capable of clarifying grievances and showing in which areas of society there is still "Air to the top" is.

A Survey or a study from the USA now also lets the LGBTQ Scene in this country. Because: it shows that there are gender-specific Minorities even nowadays still have a hard time asserting themselves in the classic everyday working world. Discrimination are still the order of the day here.

Approximately 25,000 people researched the theme of

Recently reported "Nature" about the study, which deals with the Everyday work of LGBTQs. Among other things, the results showed that queer people often suffer from discrimination in the workplace. Discrimination and Harassment have to suffer - and significantly more than their "Straight-colleagues". At the Survey about 1,000 LGBTQ people took part.

The mere fact that the entire Project more than 25,000 scientists research shows the great interest in the Topic. So far - according to the Reporting in "Nature" - no greater Investigation to this Topic given.

The results show that Discrimination in the workplace in many different Variants can show that the Follow but are almost always the same: Whoever has a weakened self-confidence often retreats and no longer dares to speak his mind. Skills at Company to bring in. A dangerous and gruelling Vicious circle begins.

A recent survey shows the disadvantage of LGBTQs

How are LGBTQs disadvantaged in everyday work?

Who once Victims of bullying, Discrimination and Co. knows that there are many ways to make a person feel better. Making life a proverbial living hell. Many of those affected stated, among other things, that they had, for example, opportunities for Further education had been denied or that they had been denied important Work equipment were not made available. The Result: less professional Recognition and fewer opportunities for promotion. In this context, it is of course also alarming that the Mobbing in this case often not from the Staffbut from Superiors was operated.

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In addition, in everyday life LGBTQs also often have to deal with the Topic "Harassment". They will - according to the said survey - increasingly Victims of assault - both psychic as well as physical.

Differences within the LGBTQ group - women and ethnic minorities are more often disadvantaged

The latest Survey to Topic also showed, among other things, that not all LGBTQs are affected to the same degree by the Disadvantages within the Working world are affected.

Thus - according to the result - Women tend to be affected more frequently than Men. The likelihood that there will be a Discrimination is further intensified when the aforementioned Women at the same time to a ethnic minority include.

Even if the results from the USA possibly not 1 : 1 on the Situation in Germany the likelihood is that the people here will be living under similar Problems in approximately the same Extent suffer, high.

What are the consequences of short or years of discrimination?

Who over a certain period of time mobbed resp. discriminates is worn as good as always psychological damage of it. Those affected are often no longer able to relax and suffer at Sleep disorders and Self-doubt. Sometimes they even lapse into a Depression.

In some cases, the Mobber not aware of what they are giving their Victims in some cases they also counteract the said circumstance with a certain form of Indifference.

People who Victims from psychic and/ or physical violence at Workplace should immediately contact a person of trust. Often there are people working in the respective Company also trained Professionals, which protects the rights of the Victims of bullying or be able to help them as quickly as possible.

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The Results of the large-scale Study from the USA have shown that even in the 21st century there are still LGBTQs and people who, because of their sexual orientation be disadvantaged. Accordingly, it is all the more important to remain attentive in order to Developments how these - possibly in their own Company - to stop it.

Only in this way will it be possible at some point that, with a view to achieving Leadership positions makes no difference whether the person concerned is BI, gay, lesbian or queer in general.


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