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Avoiding food cravings - this is how to do it

Tips to avoid food cravings

Almost everyone is familiar with classic food cravings. Getting them under control again is a particular challenge for some people.

However, there are (fortunately) some tips to either prevent this or at least reduce the corresponding cravings a little.

Here it makes perfect sense to be attentive. Because: apart from the fact that food cravings are not good for your figure, they are also anything but healthy.

The following tricks can help to better understand and counteract hunger pangs.

How do cravings actually arise?

Feelings of hunger are a physical signal. This is to ensure that the organism is supplied with nutrients and co. The insulin level in particular plays an important role with regard to the corresponding messages.

When sweets are consumed, the blood sugar level rises and falls rapidly. This leads to insulin being produced and the body often signals hunger more quickly. Incidentally, this is why many diabetics also suffer from cravings.

The psyche should also not be neglected when such hunger attacks occur. People who are stressed, sad and/or frustrated are usually more susceptible than happy people.

The whole thing becomes particularly worrying when these attacks become a habit and occur several times a week, for example. In this case, we speak of an eating disorder. This is a serious illness that needs to be treated.

However, if you are only occasionally annoyed by the fact that you cannot (or can only with difficulty) keep your culinary cravings in check, you should read on at this point.

Tip no. 1: Change everyday habits

Before an effective plan against cravings can be devised, it is important to ask yourself the following questions: When do cravings occur? Does it come in the evening or in the morning? What role do boredom or stressful situations play?

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The advantage: once the pattern behind the attacks has been uncovered, it is often easier to work on it.

However, it is particularly important not to be too hard on oneself, especially in the first period. After all, how difficult it is to change one's daily routine is also evident in people who want to stop smoking.

In many cases, the addiction and craving have already become a habit. And taking that very habit away from the brain often turns out to be a real challenge. Setbacks are no reason to give up, but they should be analysed.

The easiest way is to stop eating sweets in the first step and then start with a healthy diet and regular (!) meals. If you feel fit enough, you can add exercise. But be careful! The more rigorous the change, the greater the risk of setbacks. It is better to proceed slowly!

Tip no. 2: Drink enough water

If cravings become acute, it can be helpful to reach for water - preferably non-carbonated - instead of sweets. The liquid fills the stomach and can therefore often counteract the unpleasant attacks.

It is also advisable to drink a glass of water before and after each meal.

This fills the stomach more quickly and the feeling of satiety sets in sooner.

Eating slowly (or at least thoughtfully) can also lead to automatically eating less. Because: the feeling of satiety sets in after about 20 minutes. Therefore, if you take a little time when eating, you often eat less.

Tip no. 3: Occupation and variety when hungry

The ravenous appetite come and the chocolate looks very tempting? Maybe. To avoid eating the entire bar in one sitting, it can help to distract yourself a little.

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Exactly which activities are brought to the fore depends on personal taste.

These distraction manoeuvres do not have to be particularly fancy. Even a glance at the mobile phone can help to divert the focus to another area.


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