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Attacks in Berlin - how safe are homosexuals from hate?


The current media reports are shocking: time and again, Germany's capital in particular becomes the scene of attacks on homosexuals. But it is not only here that some people seem to have a problem accepting people with the inclination to their own sex. In many other places, too, gays have to defend themselves time and again.

The consequences: many gays are afraid of kissing in the street, others lock themselves up at home and suffer from depression.

How high is the number of unreported cases?

A look at current statistics shows that violence against gays has rarely been more pronounced than it is today. At the same time, however, an important question arises: "How high is the number of unreported cases? Because: by far not all crimes are reported to the police. Many victims are ashamed or afraid of the revenge of their perpetrators. Therefore, it can be assumed that the actual problem is much bigger than it might seem at first glance.

Attacks in different variants

Particularly frightening: the versatility with which the perpetrators often try to hurt their victims. For many gay men, insults have long been part of everyday life. However, the whole thing becomes particularly dangerous when physical action is taken. This often results in serious injuries, including hospitalisation.

Due to the psychological traumas that have occurred, many gay men have to undergo therapy in order to be able to go about their daily lives in a halfway normal way again.

The statistics show that the hatred is obviously directed more against male and less against female homosexuals. However, there are also attacks on individuals and couples.

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This is how affected persons and witnesses can help

Anyone who has been the victim of an assault or has witnessed one themselves should not be ashamed of this and should instead active The victim must come to terms with what has happened in order to come to terms with the experience as comprehensively as possible. Because: constant ignoring can lead to the quality of life of those affected being severely restricted.

Both the police and relevant counselling centres can help to initiate important steps. Here you also have the opportunity to get basic information about your own options for action as a first step.

Education and enlightenment as important factors

Of course - especially in a country as colourful as Germany - the first step cannot only be to react to attacks on homosexuals. The actual measures must ideally start earlier so that the respective situations do not arise in the first place.

Especially in the case of schools, these seem to be useful points of contact. By doing this, for example:

  • explicit reference is made to issues such as discrimination and exclusion
  • the effects of bullying are addressed
  • opportunities for witnesses of assaults are pointed out,

it is possible to build the basis for a safer life inside and outside the LGBTQ Scene to create. Of course, the word "civil courage" also plays an important role here. Because: for all the horror that the figures surrounding violence against homosexuals bring, it should certainly be mentioned in addition that many assaults could be prevented because courageous citizens took the side of the victims.

Given that many attacks take place in public spaces, this may be an opportunity to counteract what is happening.

Homophobia in everyday life

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