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Gay holidays in Germany

Gay holidays in Germany


The Corona crisis has made many people rethink their holiday plans. Some are quite respectful of taking a trip abroad "in these times", others have had to pursue their jobs on a short-time basis and currently do not have the necessary budget to enjoy an expensive holiday.

Seldom has it seemed more fashionable to spend the "best weeks of the year" in one's own country. But which destinations are particularly popular? Many gays will certainly be drawn to the sea again in 2020. But other destinations are also well worth including in a comparison

The following ideas can help you find an exciting holiday destination at relatively short notice.


Holiday idea No. 1: the Baltic Sea

The Baltic Sea inspires not only with its impressive landscapes, but also with many restaurants, cafés and a charming atmosphere. Those who booked here at the end of last year (and thus before the Corona crisis) benefited from the advantage of being able to choose their exact destination as freely as possible.

Especially in the region around Warnemünde and on the popular islands, it is currently difficult to find a place to stay. But: sometimes it is worthwhile to rely on real insider tips and look for small guesthouses in the villages far away from the tourist strongholds.


Holiday idea no. 2: on the road with a caravan

It doesn't get more flexible than this! With a caravan, you can head for the campsites of the Republic. No matter whether they are in the north, east, west or south. Holiday plans can be changed spontaneously to the greatest possible extent and adapted to personal needs.

Pocher and Papa on the road

Those who do not have their own caravan or motorhome need not despair, of course. It is now possible to rent a suitable vehicle. However, it makes sense to compare the different providers. Prices can differ significantly depending on insurance, equipment and rental period.


Holiday idea no. 3: the city break

Attention culturally interested gays! Germany is a great place to start when it comes to planning an extensive city trip! Equipped with a street map and some background info, you're ready to go!

Gays who - after an extra dose of history and culture - are keen to experience the nightlife and the local LGBTQ Scene The best way to explore the city is to go on a city trip to Berlin or Hamburg. There are plenty of opportunities to turn night into day and perhaps take part in another city tour the next morning.

By the way: City trips are often cheaper (with the right tricks) than they might seem at first glance. Many smaller hotels not only captivate with their individual charm, but also with their tourist-friendly price-performance ratio.


Holiday idea no. 4: the mountains, Bavaria and lots of nature

Fancy letting your hair down? Then it's worth giving the state of Bavaria a chance. In many regions, the hands of the clock seem to move a little slower here. Whether at Königssee or in Munich: there are numerous highlights to discover in Bavaria. What's more, the LGBTQ community in the state is also growing continuously. In search of parties and relevant events, tourists are well advised to visit larger cities. A lot has changed here in the course of the last few years.

"Amen differently" - how do queer and church fit together?

Another interesting contribution: OUTtv starts its first broadcast in the UK next week in early April


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