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Be a romantic like never before with the 4 best anniversary gifts.

At the latest when the first anniversary is approaching, the question arises for lovers as to what gift the man of their dreams would be most pleased with. Of course, it would be boring to always give "just the same thing".

Instead, many gays make it their business every year to impress their sweetheart in an individual way. But which gift ideas are actually particularly popular? Which gifts work on both the first and the umpteenth anniversary?

The answer "The more romantic, the better!" may come as a surprise, but it is actually a kind of "secret recipe" that still works brilliantly in the 21st century.

The following ideas might help to gather inspiration and at the same time realise that it is indeed not always the most expensive that ultimately convinces the most.

Idea No. 1: DIY gifts with a special touch

If you want to show your sweetheart how much he or she means to you, you can use DIY gifts. These show directly that someone has invested not only money but also effort.

How about a self-created photo wall, for example? Or with a video clip that recalls the most beautiful moments of their shared past? The possibilities to leave a lasting impression, especially with regard to DIY ideas, are extremely versatile and should not be underestimated.


Idea No. 2: Vouchers for special moments

Vouchers remind you a little of the gifts that small children give their parents? Far from it! Anyone looking for an individual gift these days should definitely include these ideas in their considerations.

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Whether it's a dinner together under the stars or a wellness weekend for two! If you know your partner well, you know exactly what they like and don't have to fall back on standardised "off the peg" vouchers. Here you can tinker, think and surprise!


Idea No. 3: a cooking workshop

Cooking can not only be delicious, but also incredibly romantic. At the same time, it's great fun to spend time together at a cooking workshop and get a little more inspired - with a view to adventurous, unusual dishes.

Whether you ultimately choose a sushi, vegan or classic cooking workshop is up to you. Often, the various events help to dare to think outside the box (in the truest sense of the word). Of course, your partner will also benefit from this.

PS: don't feel like cooking yourself? No problem! In many cities nowadays, wine tastings, among other things, ensure that two people can get closer to each other in a delicious and stylish way.


Idea No. 4: Special declarations of love

Many "I love you! come in everyday life rather incidentally. Yet there is so much meaning in these three words. So it's high time to take your feelings for each other to a new level! It doesn't always have to be the classic marriage proposal in front of the "assembled team". Special declarations of love are more popular than ever!

Whether on a booked billboard or in the middle of the city in the pedestrian zone: if you want to officially declare your love, there are many ways to express your emotions.

Tip: "Oldschool" is definitely more fashionable here than virtual. Many people find it unpleasant to read mushy declarations of love via social media. This area clearly shows that actions are often far more convincing than (typed) words.

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